Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Green Bay Man Files Complaint After Police Shoot Pet
Police Reviewing Case
Posted: 3:01 pm CST February 25,2010

GREEN BAY, Wis. -- A Green Bay man has filed a complaint after police shot and killed his family's runaway dog.

The Hawley family's dog Dudley was recently spotted by a passerby between a fence and Highway 43 about a week after the Labradoodle ran away.

A police report said officers spent more than an hour trying to capture the dog, using a snare pole, food, pepper spray, even a Taser gun before they shot Dudley four times with a rifle. Officers were concerned the dog would wind up on the busy Leo Frigo Bridge and cause a crash.

Ray Hawley said if police had checked their reports, officers would have found out that he reported the dog missing. Hawley said he could have picked up the dog had police placed a simple phone call.

Police are reviewing the case

So now, if a dog bolts or gets out somehow, you not only have to worry about him being hit by a car, you have to worry about him being shot to death. They came after this lost frightened doodle with pepper spray, snare poles, and tasers? Gee I wonder why he wouldn't come to them? They had to shoot him four times?

I am sick over this. I really hope that there is some kind of consequence.


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In my local news a police officer shot and killed a dog in the park recently. Apparently two dogs got loose and were barking at some girls. The police officer immediately shot the dog without trying to call him away or anything. A lot of witnesses said the dogs were just hyper and weren't actually behaving threateningly, just playfully. He shot it down without even hesitating.

In the case you just posted, I find it extremely ridiculous they wouldn't even check if there was a missing report first. And they tried to use pepper spray and tasers? That is awful. I wish police officers would be forced to use more discretion, even if it is "only a dog".
This is very disturbing on so many levels. Shooting a doodle 4 times??? Sounds like target practice to me. I wonder if these "officers" will be able to sleep at night.....I hope not. That poor, poor pup. They should be ashamed of themselves.
I hesitated to even post it's so upsetting. But maybe if it gets some attention and some outcry, there will be pressure to make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen again.
I think it's great you posted Karen. I didn't watch the clip yet, but do you think we could write letters of complaint and disgust to the police department? I would think that if they received letters from around the country, it might aid them in a decision to do something to these jerks.
It's not even a clip; it's just the little newspaper article I copied in this post, I included the link to show where it came from.
I hope people will write letters. I don't know if it will do any good, but...
I can't even imagine. If this is a doodlekisses member I hope you know I send my sincerest condolences.
What a tragic event! Where was the "immediate" threat, sounds like an unexperienced gun trigger happy dud, my deepest sympathy for both Dudley and his family, what a horrible scary time it must have been for him. : ( I sure hope there is some accountablility and consequences here.!
This is just awful. How can that NOT be cruelty to an animal?
Police officers aren't held to the same standard as everyone else? Why didn't they contact some one who could handle it properly?
Police brutality is everywhere....towards everyone, I guess.
If they can do it to a human, they certainly do that to a dog. What a sick controll freak..
They did try to use a tranquilizer dart, but claim that it bounced off the dogs back.
I understand the concern about causing an accident, but if they had all of that stuff, why didn't they have something to knock the dog out temporarily. Of course the dog wouldn't come to them! Geez!



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