Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

A goldendoodle made our local news recently.  Here's a link to the article and video. 

He joined in the half-marathon as it went past his house!  He's raised almost $4000 for cancer research on his sponser page.  Just thought I'd share.




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aww thats really sweet!
This is pretty cool.  I wonder though about the fact that he didn't find his way home until the next morning....I would be having a nervous breakdown and searching the streets.
My thoughts exactly.  Of course I also would not have left the girls in the yard on an electric fence knowing that hundreds of people were going to be running past my house!
It's great to see  a happy story about doodles in the news!! :)
Boy, I bet he slept all day the next day!!!
That is incredible! Crazy doodles!! I'm so glad he found his way home!!!
I read about this too, it never crossed my mind to share with others on DK.  Thanks Lindsey for taking the time to share it.  What an amazing story!  Like others I was wondering why it took him until the next morning to get home.  I would be frantic looking for him.
I was also concerned that it took so long for him to get back to his family.  I would have been going crazy if Rowdy was missing.  I can't imagine waiting for him to just find his way home. 



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