Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I went to see a Flyball Compition today (without Molly) and I saw a woman with a beautiful black, shaggy dog. I stopped her to ask what kind of dog he was and she told me he was a Bovier. My 7 year old daughter said, "He kind of looks like a Goldendoodle!" The owner then went on to say how "people who buy Goldendoodles" fall into the marketing ploy and spend a ridiculous amount of money on an overpriced mutt, when they could of just gotten a Bovier, which is a "real breed." I was sooo mad, but I am not one to provoke an argument, especially around my children. I did tell her we had a Goldendoodle and were very happy with her. She said, "Oh, that's fine--as long as you didn't spend too much on her." Then she went on to say I had to watch out for things like hip dysplashia and other shared genetic "defects." My husband and I just turned and walked away. My daughter was so confused as to why that woman was so rude. I explaned that some people just don't believe in intentionally breeding mixed breeds.

So I guess I have been broken in...I finally met an anti-doodle snob. LOL Just thought I'd share.

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Well that Bovier owner just doesn't know what she's missing. I'd call her something like bitch, but wouldn't want to insult our dogs!
My younger daughter plays soccer (she is 7) and there is a boy on her team who's family has a black standard poodle. We bring our goldendoodle Hunter to all of the games and she also brings her poodle. One day we were walking out of the game and my older daughter, Ava - she's 10 - was walking by the lady and said to her "our dog is half poodle like yours she's a goldendoodle" - and she said back to my daughter "then she's a mutt then" Ava never missed a beat and said right back to her "It looks like our mutt at least listens better than your poodle" who at that time was pulling like a sled dog and barking like crazy (which is does through the entire game!) and then Ava looked right at me and said "Whatever her dog is probably just embarassed because its hair is so goofy!" I couldn't believe her! I was glad she spoke up for all doodles though, some people are just so close minded. I had explained it to her before that some people do not believe in mixing breeds. I have ran across that three times with poodle owners now but never lab or golden owners. Odd.
I agree! This is probably a great example of how owners and dogs resemble each other after a while together....the poodle owners can be snooty and bitchy and the gikden and lab owners are generally a happy go lucky sweet group, just like their dogs LOL
uh, sorry poodle owners, and espexcially sorry to Beau's Mom! (who is probably the exception to this rule, and I'm certain is sweet, like her son!)
I still live my the old saying...."What you think of me, (or my doodle), is just NONE of MY business" . They are entitled to thier opinions, just as we are to ours. Obviously we all think doodles are the best and nothing is going to change our opinions I'm sure, so no sense trying to change thiers. I have met a few pure-bred snobs and have found when I just go on and on and on about how wonderful the mix of GR and Poodle are, how sweet and loving and smart and cute and, well, you get it, that these people just shut up and walk away.....guess they figure out quickly that they are talking to the wall, cus, nothing they say is gonna change my opinion of my doodle.
I have done alot of reading prior to getting our doodle. I do think that they may be right about paying a ridiculous amount! I never thought I would ever buy a dog, let alone one this expensive. But I had somewhat the same experience while I was looking into training classes for our new baby Neely. I had went to our local facilities to compare and see what they had to say and one guy started by asking me why I would buy a doodle. I explained that I had done my research over a couple of years originally thinking I wanted a labradoodle and realized that the golden doodle was our choice. Mainly due to the fact that they were touted as non shedding. BUT after doing our research we understood that depending on the dog it may or may not be non shed. But we diecided that it would be definitley less of a shedder than our 15 yr old lab shepard cross that was practically sheddinga shitzu daily.
He started to say they would never be a breed because you can never breed to a standard with their coat. He kept on about them being a roll of the dice that you never know what you get. They aren't smart and all this crud. I thought to myself, How dumb are you??? I come in and ask you about training my new doodle and you start to tell me what is wrong with it without even meeting him. I told him he is really smart and we have been extremely happy with him even at 8 weeks. To think I would even think of taking training for me or my dog to him after talking to me like that he would be nuts!
I see more PURE BREDS in pet stores than I do golden doodles. Just because you have papers from ONE Organization to register your dog doesn't mean its a good dog. Pet stores get their PUREBREDS from PUPPY MILLS!
How can you look into my puppies eyes and tell him he is a bad breed??? I'd show you if I could upload pics..
Carefull doodle haters are lurking. Don't argue about genetics just tell them about loving your dog and your money is yours and you don't tell him what kind of car to buy!



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