Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I believe people can change and redeem themselves... but I hate the thought of this guy having ownership of a dog, ever. How do you all feel about it?
Hummm.....guess there is no law stopping him is there? Just hope he will be monitored by someone in the Humane Society where he lives. But then again, I have never heard of that law either. Anyone know if there is one for people convicted like him?
I just read an in-depth article/interview with Michael Vick in Sports Illustrated, and I do feel he has matured and turned himself around. A lot of that is due to his mother's influence since he was released from prison. I also believe that people deserve a chance to atone, to do better, and to be forgiven.
On a more cynical note, he would have to be the biggest fool on the face of the planet to do anything other than treat any dog like royalty at this point. With the kind of scrutiny that will be on him if he does get a dog, that dog would probably be safer than the one in the White House.
I don't know, I might have to just respectfully disagree on this one .... who would have ever thought that John Daly would screw up chance number (how many) returning to golf, or Daryl Strawberry would mess up chance number what, 4, to return to baseball. Who ever thought that Tiger Woods would, well, we won't even go there, but my point is, many of these guys just think that they are "above everything" and sure, people are watching him right now and he is on his best behavior, but give it a few years. I find it a little hard to believe that Momma has that much influence on him! I also believe that people deserve a second chance, but in my eyes it has to be earned, and thus far, he hasn't earned his in my eyes!
I have a knee-jerk reaction with Michael Vick and don't think he should be allowed a goldfish. I think that it's just a matter of time before he makes some massive d-bag move and shows his stripes again. He's a thug. It enrages me that he's revered for playing football.
(I know I'm being narrow-minded and that he served his time. However, I'm just not perfect and don't easily let go of this...especially since we STILL have dog fighting issues down here in the ATL, thanks to the culture he helped perpetuate)
Frannie, there were dog fighting issues way before Michael Vick and there will be dog fighting issues long after he's gone. Whatever else he's guilty of, Michael Vick did not create dog fighting or even do much to expand it. Of all the sad things associated with his crimes, the one that makes me the saddest is that instead of bringing the enormous dog fighting problem in this country to people's attention, all it seems to have done is bring attention to Michael Vick, as if this were an isolated case. If Michael Vick never goes near a dog again, it won't do a single thing to help solve the problem. Of course you still have dog fighting in Atlanta; we have it everywhere, and it didn't come from Michael Vick. If everyone who is bitter and angry at what Vick did would spend 5 minutes researching the issue and trying to do something about it, think of the good that would have come out of this. Instead, it seems people feel that venting against this one individual out of all the thousands who are still participating is somehow helping put an end to dog fighting.
You know this is not directed at you, right?
Yes, I do know that :). You and I are always cool Karen.
My problem with MVick is that because of his celebrity, dog fighting became "cooler" (of course there's been dogfighting since there have been people and dogs and will be until people pull their heads out of their tushies).
That's my issue, and why his name gets mentioned. If you have celebrity, take care to use it for good.
I'm not really in favor of him owning a dog, but I think it's possible some good may come of it. Hopefully, he will fall head over heels in love with the dog that he gets. Once he experiences the love from a dog and the love he feels for that dog, once he experiences how amazing and special that relationship with a dog can be, he may finally grasp why dog-lovers were (and in many cases still are) so hateful towards him. He may finally experience true remorse for the acts of torture that he performed on so many dogs. He acts remorseful now and says the right things, but I still don't think that he really gets how awful he was to those dogs.
I was thinking the same thing. Maybe once he has the unconditional LOVE of a dog, he might just truly feel and understand that what he did so incredibly awful and he might just fight harder to stop dog fighting.
I agree with the statement that he is "acting" remorseful. He had plenty of opportunities to emotionally connect with a dog. Some people due to their personality issues are unable to emotionally connect to humans or animals. I don't know if it is true in this case but should be considered.
Curious... are there any breeders here on DK who would be willing to let him have one of your puppies?
One of the reasons I was so disgusted by MV was not just the dog fighting issue. Obviously that is horrendous. He admitted to participating in the hanging and drowning of certain dogs who did not perform well. Hanging them up by their ears, shoving their heads in water until they drowned, other disgusting things. It's just hard to ever trust someone who was that... morally off. I think that if he was ever comfortable, or even okay, with doing something that disgusting... he has serious issues. I know he has done a lot to atone for his past crimes. But he was very, very messed up. Who knows how long it would take for him to overcome that sick part of his personality. The fact is that he has an abusive streak, and I seriously hope it won't resurface.
These are my thoughts exactly. HE deserves a second chance and he has served his time for this crimes, but I cannot get certain images out of my head as described above.
Still, I believe in second chances and forgiveness. I agree that he would have to be a complete idiot to not treat his dog like royalty. Fingers, paws, legs, etc....CROSSED.
I agree with you Camilla.Vicks has a serious personality disorder that is not easily remedied. As for his mother helping him now... who raised him in the first place??
If they do remove his lifetime ban from owning a dog I hope they require supervised visits first. And he definitely should not be allowed to own any of the "bully" breeds.What does he know about true dog ownership?? Or I should say being the companion to a dog?
I think he should start out by volunteering at a local shelter and see how it goes from there.
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