Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

After seeing peoples' posts about their doodles being mistaken for otterhounds, I thought it might be fun to hear what other breeds your doods have been mistaken for...

Noah is a f1b goldendoodle but gets mistaken for a standard poodle puppy, wheaten terrier and cockapoo - I can understand the poodle, but not the other two lol

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At first glance they usually think Spud is a Sheep or a Lamb--Not a dog.
My husband was holding Spud so that his face was not looking forward (hug style) when we walked into the vet's office on his 4th month check-up. " Excuse me miss, does this vet treat Lambs?" " Oh my, hang on, let me go get the Dr.! "

We also got the same response by many people at the dog park last weekend. They told us they had to come closer to get a better look but at first they truly thought we brought a lamb into the gate.
LOL! I mean baaa baaa baaa ;o) I liked your husbands funny!
Everyone askes if Charlie is a Portuguese Water Dog.
I think they come in different color as well.
Doodles do looks a lot like them. Below is the image of Portuguese Water Dog.
I saw a dog and thought it was a doodle - it was a Portuguese Water Dog!!! LOL
That's so funny!
When Zeke was about 7 months old DH was walking him in our park where a mini marathon was being run. One of the runners approached smiling and told DH he had a cute wheaton terrier. When he told her he was a labradoodle her smile vanished...end of conversation.
So Buddy on the right IS a Cockapoo. When his hair is long they ask if he is a Goldendoodle, and when his hair is short and curlier I get Standard Poodle. I'tll give them the poodle, he is more poodle than cocker :)

Kona, my chocolate darling, they usually ask me if she is a Poruguese Watedog puppy, Spanish Waterdog, or Poodle.
People who know labradoodles get her right all the time.

On halloween Boomer was at the door with me helping greet the children. One little boy turns to his father and says "Look Dad they have a pony". Boomer is a big boy, about 70 pounds and 27 or 28 inches tall.
A pony!! Hahaha!! ;)
People usually think Jack is an Irish Wolfhound. Since he's fairly leggy and scruffy looking I can see the resemblance.
Parris is a f1 mini goldendoodle and I get asked if she is a poodle or wheaten terrier. Jane, that picture of Noah is SO cute.

Wheaton terrior, all the time!! or they think he is a giant teddy bear. The funny thing is that we had a wheaton until last October when he suddenly passed away. Picture one is of Thomas-our 6 1/2 mth old GD. Picture two is of Buddy-our sweet wheaton terrior. This was taken only a week before he passed away.



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