Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Has anyone else out there encountered people who dislike poodle mixed breeds? When I was at work I was talking about dogs with a customer and I told her that I have a goldendoodle, her response was "I'm sorry" shortly followed by, "why would you get one of those" I was friendly and explained about my allergy condition among the other reasons for picking a doodle. I told her that Jessie is a wonderful dog, But I still feel sad that there are people like this out there.  


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Grrr! That really upsets me! They need to look at themselves once! I'm sure if they really looked back in their own ancestry, they are probably mixed with something to! We are all mixed breeds! Ugh, the nerve of some people! That's why I was excited to find this place, cause I can ask a question about my handsome boy & don't have to be criticized about loving something so cute!

Something I don't understand is why people feel it's okay to make rude remarks about somebody else's dog--or somebody else's anything, for that matter.  I've encountered a couple of people who are negative and vocal about Labradoodles/Goldendoodles, and that lack of courtesy still amazes me.  Would they say the same kind of thing about a child they thought was unattractive?  I don't understand. 

I haven't had negative comments.  But have had a lot of "what is she".  Some people guess a labradoodle, had someone ask me if Bailey was an airedale (really?) a cock a poo...again really?  When I tell them a goldendoodle I have had to explain that she is crossed with a standard poodle not a small poodle...


I wouldn't let it bother me if I were bad for the negative nellies...they don't know what they are missing....

Hahah, an airedale!  I almost fainted one time when somebody asked me whether Monty was a Bedlington. :-)))

I've only had this happen once... and my strategy is to not engage and politely walk away.

More often I have people ask what kind of dog Shelby is and then get all kinds of questions, oooh and awwwwe's, Shelby gets some loving and we move along!

This yahoo answers page. Contains some of the anti-doodle comments I have seen online

and then the dogs 101 video on youtube has similar comments.

Not sure what’s behind this type of thinking ?


oooh reading some of the comments on that yahoo thing really burn me up!  People have nothing better to do than to hate on things they don't know about...rude! If they met doodles, then they would realize they were perfect! And that they (the people) are probably mutts!

What makes me mad is when people refer to a dog as mutt - anddd whats wrong with mutts??? I had a mutt grown up in my teens and she was a great dog - my answer to those idiots ..  ALL dogs are great in my book I could care less if a dog is a purebreed or a mutt, they all need a good home and some one to love them an take care of them and if you can be so quick to judge a dog god only knows how quick you are to judge humans !!!!!  lots of scary, narrow minded people out there !!!

I would say 99% of people i've met think Jessie is very cute and friendly. I get a lot of questions about her breed as well. I guess you just get a bad egg now and then. This woman had standard poodles that were show dogs and i guess they won all kinds of awards. Whatever, Goldendoodles are great dogs and they're the best of both breeds! 

Too bad they didn't breed the bad manners out of that woman!



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