Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My black labradoodle, Bentley, is from a somewhat long line of labradoodles. He looks identical to his mom and dad, does not shed, and from what I was told looks like his grandparents. I am not sure exactly how many generations down the line he is. From what I was told His Grandpa on his dad's side had come from a back-cross of f2labradoodle/standard poodle as was his grandma on his mom's side.

Bently is 14 months old and is a great dog. I am just wondering if anyone else has a multigeneration doodle other than the aussie-doodles?

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Lots of us do--I have a 15 month old male doodle and I also own his mom. She had an F2 LD dad and an australian LD mom and she was mated with an F1 LD, so my pup has several generations behind him on his mom's side, but just one generation on dad's side. He has his dad's coloring with his mom's soft, non-shedding coat. He has less curl than she does though. My breeder has been working on developing her multigen line for about ten years now, so she is getting into third and fourth generation.

Thanks for the reply Ginny, I was looking to see if there was a group for multi-gen doodles but just found the aussie's and f1b groups. I'm new to DK and have mostly just been lurking around trying to get a feel for the place, but I just don't have a lot of time to be on the puter that much.

Bentley's hair is kind of coarse and wirey giving him that unkept look all the time which I love. He's a mix of straight wavy and curly in different parts of his body, just like his parents. He's a real clown.

Your dogs are all beautiful.

My Shelby is also a multi-gen Labradoodle... There's a group for owners of Austrailin Labradoodles (which is different from Aussie-doodles) and it's my understanding that most if not all Australian Labradoodles are multi- generation due to their long history lines back to the original breeding in Australia in the 1980's.

Tara is also a multigen ALD.  Christine is correct that Australian Labradoodles are multigens.

Here's the link to the ALD group here on DK:

I think he means multigen NOT of Australian labradoodle origin.  Just lab-poodle crosses of various generations bred to one another... Is that right?

That's how I understood it too.

Adina, yes you are correct. I mistakenly said aussiedoodle, but meant Australian Labradoodle. I know in Australia they crossed in a couple of other kinds of dogs besides Labrador Retrievers and Poodles.

Ginny I love the coloring on your Doddle.

Cocoa is supposed to be a multi gen ald...but I'm not sure of her pedigree. Since you don't get papers with these guys it's hard to tell unless you have a wonderful breeder.

I thought I had a good breeder but now I'm not so sure.

It is easy for me to know since I work for the breeder and was there for the birth! BUT, I agree that digging up the info on doodles is often tricky business. One of the reasons is that some lab or poodle breeders do not want it known that they are allowing their purebred dog to be mixed with another breed--there is a lot of criticism for that from their fellow breeders as you might imagine. So, they often do not allow the labradoodle breeder to reveal the name of the purebred lab or poodle. 

That makes complete sense to me. I get that all the time from certain people. They say Bentley is a mutt, but I tell them, nope, pure bred Labradoodle. Not that I care, he's exactly what I was looking for.

I like the fluff ball doodles too, that's why I bought Porsche, she's an F1b Goldendoodle. The thing with her is I'm not sure exactly what she is going to look like when she matures.



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