Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hi All,
I'm new here, and I'm the proud owner of Charlie, my beloved Doodle :)
Recently I found out he has fleas, plenty of them.
I'm vegan and a healthy environment believer. I'm trying to avoid any artificial or chemical stuff.
I'm looking for a natural flea treatment for him. I don't wanna use any of the well known brands, like Advantix, Frontline etc. I think it's not healthy for dogs and humans.
I read here that I can use salt to kill fleas. My question is - do you think it's too dangerous to use salt with my Charlie? I'm afraid that he will eat the salt, which probably not good for him.
Please share any other recommendation for home remedies you have experience with. Thank you!
the fleas are going to get on you, too. I would hurry up and try something soon.
I know I could not leave salt around, he would eat it for sure.
I don't like chemicals etc, either, but I sure as heck don't want fleas on me or my dood!
Do you go to a holistic vet? That may be a good resource for what is safe and what will work.
Good luck!
Hi there. Just reading your inquiry about fleas. It has been my experience over my years of breeding yorkies, that fleas DO NOT like garlic.
When I first noticed that me little guys had them, I bought dried garlic chips, chopped, that could be sprinkled on their food. My boys have that regularly , sprinkled in their food.
I found this to be a VERY effective way of keeping fleas off my dogs. A preventitive medicine that is good for them, and they love it too. Getting fleas out of the house is a another challenge.
Hope everything works out well.
Garlic can be toxic to dogs. It depends on dosage:
Garlic needs to be titrated for dogs since too much may be toxic. Lots of content on the web about this.
Some places are worse than others for bugs and has nothing to do with you personally. My advice would be to relax your standards (which are admirable) and use chemicals -like Frontline Plus. While you experiment with various 'natural' ways, the fleas will be multiplying and biting, multiplying and biting. Once you conquer this infestation, you can explore some more natural ways to keep your home free of pests and perhaps you will find something that will work - at least in your area.
I agree! I think you will have better success with a "natural preventative" than dealing with an infestation! They are awful to get rid of! I remember having them in the house when I was a kid and it took a long time to get rid of them and I remember that because I was the one who had to hang all the bedsheets and towels on the clothesline every day!!! Yuk!
Would dogs really eat tons of salt on its own? Just curious...I would imagine interest in salt would be limited.
I was so worried when we took Myla to the ocean this past year - I even asked for advice on DK as Myla loves swimming and I wasn't sure how much salt she ingested while doing so. As it was, Myla did not swim in the ocean as the waves were a bit much for her but she wanted to eat the dried kelp all the time! We were constantly telling her to "leave it" which she is very good with but I'm not kidding you, she got so good at sneaking a piece while walking we were watching her more than the sights! I was shocked that she loved it so much! Not sure how much she would have eaten if we would have let her but I did not want to chance it! (maybe she gets it from me - I love salt on my food!!!) lol
I can attest to this.....Just ask anyone who was at the DoodleRomp at OceanBeach!!!! Enzo drank her fair share and what a mess! Thankfully, after 3 times, she was done and left it all at the beach.
We had that unfortunate experience on vacation a few years ago.
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