Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So, as many of you know from my posts, Darwin is a care free, bumbling, confident pup. He literally barrels enthusiastically into new experiences. Well, recently he's been acting a bit nervously.

When I take his picture, we have a system that works for both of us. I'll plop him down in a sit or stay and he'll hold it for a few minutes, then he gets a treat. Then we repeat it. He used to be so good that I could hide his leash behind him (not holding it at all) and he wouldn't budge. He has had to do some brushing up on obedience since leaving the in-laws but he seems to be doing really great. He is flawless indoors, and really good on walks as well. 

Now I will take him outside and if we do something that isn't a walk (taking pictures, sitting on the grass, etc) he will get nervous and won't listen to anything. He will look around a lot, sniff everything, and won't hold a sit, AT ALL. I mean, he won't even go into a sit, and if he does he will hold it for maybe 1 second then pop right back up. When we walk he doesn't seem to have issues, just plods along. But if we stop anywhere just to hang out for a minute, he starts to do it. He also curls his tail under himself at times, which worries me. This isn't just at the new apartment (he's done it at both in-laws too), but I've mainly noticed it here. 

I know him well enough to know when he's acting strange, and the only time he used to do something like this is if he was nervous about something, or REALLY excited. I mean REALLY. Because it used to be that he would hold a sit in a dog park. I am confused as to why it's happening when it's quiet outside, with no people. And in multiple locations. Could he be stressed about the move and now is more nervous? What would cause a dog that is so good at holding a sit stay suddenly not be able to, WHATSOEVER. Why is he good at obedience on walks, or even out at places like a mall, but is so distracted if we are sitting down somewhere? 

Another thing, the other day he pushed past me at the door and chased after the UPS man, BARKING. He never barks. Maybe when he's really startled he will give out one bark then stop, but it's rare. This was continuous aggressive barking. He's never gone after people coming to the door before, he doesn't even jump up. 

Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? 

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Thanks everyone, you are all probably right. I guess it confuses me because he started doing it a bit before we moved, in the in-laws backyard. A part of me wondered if having a yard for the first time was making him more territorial, since he actually had something to guard. Maybe it makes him feel he has to be more on alert. I don't know. He has gone through a pretty big upheaval so we are just going to focus on training and getting him accustomed to his new situation. THanks everyone!

He's not hurting in the butt area, is he?  Anal glads?  I'm just throwing ideas out there.  Poor little guy.  I hope he gets back to his normal self soon!

No, his butt is all normal. :-( I did wonder if he had an ear infection but that is fine too. I will keep watching him.

I really think it is the move and he just needs to get used to the big change. When we take Ned by himself somewhere, whether in the RV overnight or for the day, he is quiet and pretty darn perfect. He is insecure enough that he stays near us. When he is home or with the pack, he often barks or growls at noises or other animals (like cats) or some dogs (like boxers).



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