Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This has probably been discussed before forgive me if it has. We are expecting our first Grandchild in March and where wondering the problems this may raise with Jasper. He is very much his Dad's dog and is also very much attached to our DIL, goes past our son to greet her. So what problem can we expect if any, I may be worrying for nothing. He cets on pretty well with young children but hasn't seen a new born before. Your knowledge would be appreciated. Val in OZ


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There was a big discussion just recently about a daughter who did not want the dog near her baby--have you talked to your DIL about this yet? I think most people feel that there should be close supervision at all times but that the dog should be able to sniff the baby upon the first meeting and will then be satisfied that the baby is part of the family and not worth getting too excited about. Dogs can usually tell right away that the baby is a family member by the smell--but the consensus is that you should always keep an eye on the dog with a baby around just in case they get carried away with greeting the baby or licking it too much, etc. 

Here is the other discussion--there are some good thoughts  here of what people have experienced.

Dil already has two dogs of her own so that part is not a problem.

We have a now two year old granddaughter and 3 dogs. We gave them something of hers to sniff before we introduced and held her while they sniffed her feet, her diaper bag etc. We also bought a baby corral (plastic fencing that fastens together) and put her in it with us and let them be outside it. At first my guys were very upset when she cried but over time they got used to it. We have had no problems.
We don't leave them unsupervised though.

In addition to the "give the dog something of the baby's to sniff" protocol, we also played recordings of newborn baby cries for Sedona for a few weeks before she met our granddaughter for the first time.    

Our Holly just loves anything small that moves. Babies, puppies, kittens - anything. She also seems to have absolutely no jealousy.   However, she is a 60-pound dog and no matter how careful she might be around little babies and animals (and she seems to know when she needs to be extra careful); we still closely supervise her around little tykes.

The only thing that Holly is not careful of is her tail. She is a happy dog and her tail is always wagging, especially around puppies, kittens or kids. No problem with puppies or kittens but, her big tail can easily knock over a toddler.



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