Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

As per Adina's request.... here is a place for us to discuss our thoughts on the new front page.  I am still navigating and trying to see how I like it... I will say though - that I miss having the slide show up top!

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Add me to the list of veterans who didn't know that, either! Bye bye, banner!
Okay, here's my $.02 worth on the front page. First off, I rarely even go to it, going directly to my page and navigating from there. Here's why -- there's isn't enough space devoted to recently added discussion topics; I'll see the same 5-6 photos every time I go to the home page within a week's time (I don't take the time to wait for the entire sideshow, and it always starts at the same point every time - the one time I contributed to the front page sideshow, I doubt many people saw it, because it was at the end). Looking over the new format, I don't like that the picture and video fields are so huge (not JUST the comment sections). I do, however, like that there are just 2 to look at and comment on. If they were thumbnails you could click on, perhaps you could have 5 of each for more variety (the comment sections would also only appear once you clicked on them). The activity fields are the most important fields in my mind, and reducing all the pic/video stuff to smaller formats would highlight the most important part of DK's front page. It would be a nice option to scroll through the most recent discussion topics too, kind of like scrolling through the newly added photos. Hope this helps!
Oh, and those Google ads DO seem to be pretty prominent. I'd move those down much further and out of the way, if possible. Also, that BLUE banner is enormous and takes up valuable real estate on the front page. Is it even necessary?

Regardless of all the changes I'd make to the front page, I DO appreciate all the hard work and effort you put in to keep DK up and running, Adina. I don't know what I'd do without it. Thank you!!
You can CLOSE the blue banner by clicking the x in the top corner (I think right corner, but since I closed mine long ago I can't remember for sure). It's there when new members join to help them along but you can close it anytime for good.
Wow, that's an easy fix!
Yes, who knew that. Not me. This is a great improvement and only took a year and a half to learn!
I feel so terrible about this. Who knew it was in everyone's way because I removed mine right away. Here everyone was burdened down with a useless GIANT BLUE BANNER and nobody complained! LOL. It's kind of funny actually....don't you think? NOBODY whined. NOBODY said "HELP...the banner is hurting my shoulders!"
I just thought it was like death and taxes, so why complain.
Although I never articulated it even t myself I think it was part of the reason I suggested a front page revamp eons ago. But it wasn't really a big deal, don't feel bad. Just another example of how we all perceive the world differently and think that everyone else sees things the way we do.
I will/would miss the slideshow on the front page-but if it was elsewhere I would be fine with clicking til I find it~ LGG
I'm happy I'm not going crazy and my computer is fine. Off to see how I like it. Adina, I move my furniture around all the time I like change but it's a lot of work.
Really love the slide show to show all the different doodles being doodles.



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