Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Just FYI from our Wellness Tip of the Day today @ Work
August 19, 2011
Dog allergies? Forget bringing home a hypoallergenic pet — research shows they have just as many allergens as non-allergy-friendly breeds.

If family pet allergies have you shopping around for a hypoallergenic dog, know this before you buy: There’s no such thing, according to a new study. The research, published in the American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy, found that so-called allergy-friendly dog breeds, like the First Family’s Portuguese water dog, carry just as many allergens as other types of pups and aren’t likely to offer relief to sufferers. Many supposedly hypoallergenic dogs get the stamp of approval because they don’t shed. But, contrary to popular belief, people are not allergic to fur. The prime triggers of pet allergies are Fido’s saliva, urine and dander (another word for dead skin) — which can stick to his hair. Researchers of this study found that homes with hypoallergenic dogs had just as many pet allergens as those that housed other breeds, like drooling Newfoundlands or double-coated golden retrievers, which shed several times a year. The good news is, if you already own a hypoallergenic pup and don’t have any issues, you may not be allergic. Get tested to find out for sure.

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And some of us, that would be me, have tested positive incidentally, and have never had a symptom of dog allergy, TG.

I have tested positive for dogs, cats, bunnies.... 

I have been ok with most far labs & bull dogs are the worst for me

I have had dogs my whole life

Yes, I am very allergic to cats and bunnies.
DH was definitely allergic to Allie (F1B).  We pulled the carpet in our house and I believe that did a lot for him.  Luckily for DH he must have built a resistance to her, otherwise DH would have been living in the shed (lol).  He is definitely allergic to other dogs - he looked like a man with rabies when we visited my Brother's home with their English Bulldog, and he had to go to a function at a friends house for my Son's boyscouts and he had to leave early because of his allergies to their dog.  We just vacationed at my other Brother's home and DH thankfully showed no signs of allergies and my Brother has 2 F1 doodles, one shedder, and one non-shedder. 

I'm allergic to cats AND dogs. (I have both) My cat is the main problem.

I've always had cats and was fine until early 20's and my family always had dogs and I was ok with them, but when I was tested they said both! I was shocked and just looked for a dog that I fell in love with and if it's "supposed" to help with allergies...BONUS!!

This happened to me, too--I didn't develop any allergies until my early 20s. I had two cats for almost 17 years and my allergies got gradually worse, although I didn't even realize how bad they'd gotten until the last cat was gone. I'm mildly allergic to dogs, but also to some pollens and dust, so I never know exactly what I'm reacting to. I take Claritin every day and it seems to do the trick without side effects. The only time I really notice my dog allergy is when a dog accidentally scratches me--then my skin can be very reactive and I get big red welts. This has never happened with Sadie, though.
I have had cats all my life and never been allergic. I have had allergies all my life to many other things, most of which I have never been able to figure out (even with testing) what I was allergic too. My allergies to things seem to come and go. A few years ago, I became allergic to my 2 cats. They werent allowed in the bedroom for about a year (they usually sleep with me), had a purifier, vacuumed every day..... and suddenly, after about a year, the allergy went away!

Me too F....this is old news and personally I can refute! Put me with a Chow and my throat closes!


This does put a bad light on those breeders who are claiming to have hypoallergenic LD or GD puppies for sale--yes, there are breeds you are less likely to have a reaction to, but you can still have a reaction! The best test, as people have shown in their comments here, is to spend time with the dog and see. One of our DK members was told that he was buying a hypoallergenic pup that does not shed and found out that his doodle sheds and he is allergic to the pup. It would have been easier to take this bad news if he had worked with a reputable and honest breeder.

exactly why I thought I would share!



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