Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I get very defensive when strangers says Chewie's FAT. He's not fat, he's just reeallyy FLUFFY!!

Look what's left of him when he's wet. He's a skinny minnie! In fact, do you think he's TOO SKINNY??

He's 8 months old, is around 48cm (19 inches) tall at the wither and weighs 16.5kg (33 lbs).

Anyone else with doodle about his height? How much do you think he should weigh?

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Our doodle was so skinny when wet until he hit a year.  I think that's pretty typical but once he is full grown he will start to fill out as long as he is eating well and isn't showing signs of being undernourished. 

Your pup is fluffy - I love that!

LOL, it's the exact same with Darwin! He looks so chubby when he's in his full fluffy glory, and so skinny without it! Sometimes I wonder if he is too skinny... :-) Chewie is adorable!


LOL. Darwin's so cute! Yes, very different with and without fluff!
DH says the same thing about me...that I'm "fluffy - not fat". Wish I could just get wet and look skinny!!!!
ha ha ha!! don't we all wish that. lol!
Well my doodle is about 30 in high and (i think) 40 in long. He is 2 years and weighs 80 lbs.



The amazing inflatable doodle - lol

LOL. Inflatable doodle!

You know I was just wondering this yesterday with Luna, but I'm pretty sure it's just fluff with her too, even though she is a "smooth coated" doodle.


I think the key is to make sure they have the abdominal "tuck" (chest is much lower than the tummy) and there is a clearly defined waist, but you can't feel the ribs without a little light pressure.

Chewie: "Does this fluff make my butt look big?"

Kimmy: "Yes, it does"



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