Anyone have any suggestions for what age, what level of vaccination, classes that should be attended, or just general opinions on the topic? I'm not to sure as I've never enrolled a dog into classes before. I'm quite excited to get Bella, my goldendoodle, into classes as soon as possible. I'm wondering where to start and what I should look for in a school, a trainer, and for class instruction/topics. She already knows her name, sit, and down; which I am really pleased with. In less then a week, she's truly the most intelligent dog I've ever known, never mind owned.
Still instruction from classes would help me help her. I don't know it all and the classes would teach me how best to teach her. I'm sure we could teach her through trial and error but what's the bother of confusing her and ourselves if we can turn to a professional. You know?
P.S. We're starting to work on paw, leave it, and trade. Paw confuses the heck out her and is constantly sniffing my hand for a treat. I'm considering switching hands that receives the paw, leaving my right for the usual treat. :]. We'll get there soon.