Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm pretty sure MacKenzie just ATE my knee high!  I saw it in her mouth, got up to get something to trade her for it so that it wouldn't become a game of tug, turned around and it's disappeared! Gone!  How freaked out should I be that I'm going to end up in the ER with her?  What should I be watching her for?  She's acting totally normal right now and can't seem to figure out why I keep trying to look down her throat!

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Ohhh yuck....... I will first look around really carefully to see if she had tossed it somewhere before assuming that she ate it.

If you are certain that she ate it, then, I would call a vet..... Knee high is long and strechy, so it can be scary if eaten....

I hope you find it somewhere in the house!!!

Thanks Kyoko - I looked everywhere and I can't find it. 

 The telephone vet said to keep an eye on her for any changes in her behavior - eating, etc. and to keep an eye on her when she goes outside and be ready to help her get it out. I'm praying that it comes out that easily! 


I hope it all turns out alright but I couldn't help but find myself LOL a lil, it was making me think of the new Moms that call the Dr over the swallowed penny in tears & them keeping hawk eyes on the " toilet" ...
Haha! That's a great comparison! 
My previous dog ate a knee high sock. The vet told us to watch her too. She continued to eat, pee, poop normally and I thought maybe I was nuts and she really didn't eat a sock. Ten days later, at 3 am, that sock came back up on my living room carpet. I hope she passes this sock easily. Keep watching her closely and what she eliminates and hopefully, this too shall pass. Good luck!


Welly has also eaten a knee high stocking. It came out the back door - and yes, he needed some assistance -YUK.


I tend to wait and see - usually I know he's eaten something when he can't keep a meal down. Then I watch to see if it comes out either end =)

Thanks for the stories Laurie and Lesley!  I'm happy to hear that others have done the same thing and didn't have any major complications!  But wow!  10 days later! That's crazy!  I was thinking it would take about 2 days max!



Just watch for any sign of blockage - make sure she is pooping regularly. If she stops eating or throws up extensively without it passing, you should take her in.


By the way, Peri ate part of a sock when she was a puppy and it came out just fine.  Fingers crossed for you!

Thanks Allyson!  So far no blockage signs...
Quincy once ate a latex glove and it came out the other end the same day with fingers crossed. :>) Glad the end results were good for MacKenzie.

I don't mean to sound unfeeling, but if that is ALL my Bella ate I would be letting out a sigh of relief. DH said she vomited something the other day that had a big smiley face and two dark eyes on it!  No idea what it was, just that it looked really wierd staring back at him when he went to clean it up. So we are always getting surprised with this little girl. I am waiting for the rocks she's probably got in her tummy to start rattling around when she runs.  We watch her like a hawk, but she is quick and sneaky! 

I would certainly watch MacKenzie, but I have a feeling you are going to see it again in a couple of days, from one end or the other.

OMg!! LMBO!! That's FUNNY!! I needed to LOL Thank you *sigh*

All this Kate Walsh/Palin thing & a few other things was really making me dark cloudish Thank you for making my thoughts match the skies.



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