Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hey there!

Thanks so much for all of you that filled out our survey.  It has helped us figure out some stuff.  Adina will post more about the survey results later.

Some stuff you told us about we had been avoiding thinking about.  Like... OUR SEARCH FEATURE REALLY SUCKS.


It had to be said.

We knew search wasn't great, but didn't know it affected you this much.

So I am testing something else:  Scrapping our search completely and just using Google for our own internal search.

But I'd like your opinion on it first.

If you guys like the Google search results better, we will replace the search result that you currently see on DK with results from Google.  You would search in the same places on DK, but just get a different results page.

Try this for me.  Do searches on DK and then do the same searches here:

Do you like the results better?  Or do you like the current results from the DK search?

(Note: This link is to our custom search test page.  You WON'T have to go off site to use this... but I wanted to know if you like the search results you get from it better.  Make sense?)

If you like the Google search results better, we will replace the internal DK results with these results.

So let me know what you think.



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Wow!  I have been looking for this discussion  

because we tried Listerine on Gordie's forelegs and - BAM - Magic happened.  He quit licking immediately.  I wanted to comment but I could NOT find the discussion the old way. Go Google!

Camilla, that's a good thought but I didn't change any settings.  

BUT I just went to My Page (still a strange slide show), My Photos, and saw all of my photos are still there. Went back to My Page and all's back to normal.  I still didn't change any settings. Well, that was weird!

Thank you Clark, if you fixed it. I don't think I'll search anymore for a while.

PS I liked Google (before all heck broke loose) 

Ghosts in the machine...  :-)

I liked the google better--faster and more clear.

Google search is a google times better.

He he!

I like it!!!


Here is what I am going to do.  I will replace the site-wide search (the search box in the orange bar at the top of all pages) with the Google Custom Search.

For the time being (meaning: until I figure out how to do it differently), I will leave the regular search inside the forums and groups.  When it works, it works fairly well.  But at least now we have a workable backup plan by using Google in a site-wide search.  Please use the "Report An Issue" link when you see that these are not working and I'll crack the whip on the techies.

I'll let you know when the Google search is fully implemented so you can test it and find all my errors.  ;-)


That sounds perfect Clark, thank you!





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