Hi, all. I need advice, or maybe just a confirmation or rebuttal of my thoughts. My cat is 17 years-old. Recently, I've noticed that she's pretty much blind. Completely. She's walking into things, going gingerly down the stairs and into rooms, as if she's groping her way. Her eyes are completely dilated. (Er, that means that the pupils are large, right?)
She also absolutely HATES my puppy, or rather, is terrified of her. And her scent. And of anyone bearing Angel's scent. Which is everyone. She pees in terror when I go to pet her or give her treats or even stand by her. She was never like that before. Uppity, snooty, prissy: absolutely; terrified, never. Hers is no longer a happy life.
She barely eats. Or rather, somedays she scarfs everything and wants more, and others she doesn't touch her food. Or water.
I personally have never had to put a pet down. I know her time is drawing near -- she's 17, after all -- but when is it time? And when it IS time, how do I go about it? Do I tell the vet I want her put down, have them do tests? I have no idea what to say.
Geez. I've had Missy (my cat) since I was 9 years-old and I am now 26. Even if she has been a pain in the butt, how the hell does anyone put down a living being?