Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Our Sammi has cancer; such a nightmare diagnosis. I am posting this message for three reasons, the first being I want to pass on to you what I have learned from this particular cancer experience in hopes that if this info will help even one Doodle/Doodle parent, Sammi's experience will not be in vain. The second reason is I would like to ask for positive thoughts to be sent Sammi's way, and the third reason is Adina encouraged me to post this to the forum page, as I had only sent this message to friends. (I have never posted a discussion to the forum page and hope that I have the protocol correct.)
About a month ago while petting Sammi, I felt a rather large lump on his back that moved just a bit as I palpated it and the area around it. It was located just above Sammi's spine almost in the center of his back and felt to be about walnut sized. I automatically feared that Sammi had cancer while friends and family kept trying to reassure me that the lump was nothing serious, probably just a cyst. Even the vet thought the lump was a harmless cyst but due to my insistence, he did an aspiration in three sites of the lump and sent it out for a biopsy. A very long week later I received the news from Sammi's vet that the biopsy had showed no cancer cells, however just to be on the safe side and because of the size of the lump, the vet agreed with me that it should be removed. I was told that the surgery to remove the lump didn't need to be expedited because there appeared to be no cancer present.
No one, not even the vet, shared my certainty that this lump was cancer and they seemed to be just humoring me when I insisted that it be removed as soon as possible. But I was determined, so that week Sammi had the lump removed and was left with a quite large incision requiring ten metal staples to close. The mass as the vet then called it was sent for a customary biopsy and I was still told there was no reason to worry. Nearly another week later my husband, Steven, and I were advised that this mass was a malignant tumor, fibrosarcoma.
The vet assured us he had gotten the entire mass and had clean/clear margins but encouraged us to seek a second opinion. We spoke with an oncologist and a radiologist while we waited the two weeks for the staples to be removed and chest x rays to be taken. We were told this type of cancer doesn't typically metastasize. Even so, I was still thrilled when Sammi's chest x rays appeared to be clear.
We were advised that this type of cancer will typically come back in the same area if it returns, will have a tendency to grow slowly and has a low morbidity rate in dogs; all very hopeful news! So we will need to be very watchful for any signs of lumps and will need to have Sammi checked by the vet every three months.
I've tried to be as specific yet as brief as I can be in relating this experience in hopes that this info regarding Sammi's ordeal might be of use. The take home lesson for me is that early detection and expeditious removal of a suspicious lump can mean the difference in outcomes.
Sammi seems to be doing very well and we are hopeful that the fibrosarcoma was entirely removed and will not return. Many thanks to all of Sammi's friends who have been and continue to be so wonderfully supportive!!
Summer Promisloff
Very bad month for you guys. Isn't it great that dog's can't worry about stuff like that - only their people. Bet he enjoyed all the loving on him!
Glad it is such an excellent prognosis for Sammi. Good on you for being so insistent. Sometimes moms just know.
Sending good thoughts to you and Sammi.
Thank you for pointing out quite a different aspect (that should have been obvious to me, but wasn't) of this whole nightmare experience. I'm having a "duh" moment; of course Sammi wasn't worried and I'm certain he enjoyed all the extra loving. Your comments and good thoughts are definitely appreciated!
Thank you so very much! You have expressed exactly my hopes. I appreciate your positive thoughts!
Thank you so much for posting this information. I am sorry that Sammi has this diagnosis but so proud of you for being so proactive. I hope and pray that Sammi will never have this malignancy return and have a healthy and long life.
Your comments are so sweet and totally appreciated! It's kinda funny in an odd sort of way, but I never really thought my actions were anything to be proud do what you have to do for those you love, right? But I've read your comment several times over and am trying to take in that wonderful compliment. Please know how much your hopes and prayers mean to us, Sammi, Steven and me.
Wow, interesting story. If you don't mind, may I please ask what it was about the lump that had you so convinced that it was cancer? The reason I ask is because it seems we are constantly getting posts here about "Oh may I just felt this lump"! It wasn't there yesterday, but the Vet say it is nothing to worry about! It seems lumps are just so common. Good on you for following your instincts and insisting. It can be so hard to go against what a Vet is trying to tell you and I applaud you for sticking to your guns and insisting. Sammi is a lucky doodle to have such a great Mom.
This is my reply to Lucy and Sophie's Mom: When I found Sammi's lump, Sammi, Steven and I were out for a walk along the waterfront with friends and we had stopped to have coffee. I was sitting on a bench drinking my coffee and absentmindedly stroking Sammi's back while talking with our friends and I will never forget how I felt the exact moment my hand hit that lump. I know this is going to come across as melodramatic, I apologize in advance, but it felt like I had just touched an electric fence (I don't even know if those exist any more) I dropped my coffee, got down on my knees and time stopped. There was nothing sinister about the lump, nothing unusual, discolored or anything like that. I just knew in my heart it was cancer and I don't know how I knew. My husband, Steven wasn't the slightest bit concerned because as he said "dogs always get lumps, they're no big deal". I guess I was ignorant to that fact and maybe Sammi's the exception that proves the rule. I'm sorry I can't be very helpful in answering your question, but thank you so very much for your kind words!! You've no idea how much I appreciate your support.
Thank you so much for your response. The wonderful thing about DK is that we can all share our stories and learn so much from others stories. There is a huge possibility that your sharing Sammi's story will help save other doodles because their parents will remember your story! Sometimes they are really hard to relive, but sometimes sharing them can be heeling as well. Best wishes to you and Sammi for many more wonderful years together!
This is my reply to Sue & Lily Grace: What a horrific experience!! I cried as I read your reply this morning. I am so sorry for the nightmare you went through with your Cassie. I can't imagine how terribly painful it was for you to go through that process for years and to lose her that way. It's incredibly brave of you to be able to relate it here. I don't know that I would've been able to post our experience with Sammi if the outcome (so far) had been different. You're right, we do have to be their voices.......their advocates......and I am certain that you did the very best you could with what you had and knew at the time.
Thank you for sharing - I hope that it never comes back!! Another great example for listening to your gut feeling.
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