Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I've been reading some posts here lately that you use a couple tablespoons of peroxide to induce vomiting which is great to know and I am now putting a BIG bottle of peroxide in our motorhome for vacations BUT how do you give it to your doodle?  I can't imagine Myla just letting me give her peroxide willingly - I think she'd spit it out????  Do you squirt it in with a syringe?


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I have induced vomiting when my dip stick neighbor put a pork roast in her yard. Don't ask ! Yes a syringe is what I used!. I have a 10 ml one you may need more then a few teaspoons..though...

Thanks Jennifer - I'm glad I don't have neighbours like yours!  I will now pack a syringe with the peroxide! 

They moved!

Here's an article on the subject.  It's important to call the vet before you do anything.

We've had to give hydrogen peroxide & it certainly works when appropriate.

Thanks for the "call the vet first" advise and when I was required to induce vomiting I just opened my dogs mouth and poured a bit down.  Didn't take anytime at all for the mess to begin.  Note To Vomit Inducers:  Do this outside.

Wow, good to know - I would have thought it would take longer!

I will definitely call the vet first

Good info - thanks!

We use a little syringe we got from the pharmacy they give out for giving small babies/children medicine.  It works very easily and we just squirt it into Libby's mouth. It takes two of us because after the first time she knew what was going on and does not cooperate with us now!  It is a one teaspoon syringe, so she gets it twice and within a minute or two she vomits.  Call your vet before you do this to make sure the item they swallowed can be thrown back up.   

If you don't have a syringe, you can use a turkey baster - just not too much pressure, more gravity, at the back of the throat.

Our micro chip company, Home Again, has a medical service emergency hot line that came with the membership.  Once consult and you make up for the fee. 

Thanks Lori, I use Home Again and very good to know!

It is important that it be "FRESH".  Also as mentioned call the vet before using.



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