Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Spent the night at an Emergency Vet Friday Night. Petie had a few seizures that lasted almost an hour. They kept getting progressively worse and had to take him when he started bending backwards and stiffining his muscles. It was very scary! We've never had any health problems with our past dogs and it was a real frightening night.They got it stopped and kept him for 2 days because they started him on Phenobarbitol. we have him home now, picked him up around noon today. He is much better, not seizing, but is very disoriented from the meds. They say he will be like this for a few days till his body gets used to the meds. I hope so, cause when he is walking and swaying sometimes it makes me think he's going to seize again. Don't mean to dump on all of you, Just needed to vent it....

Will keep updates posted.

Merry Christmas!


Petie and Bob

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I am so sorry!  My Murph had one seizure (from a very high fever) and I'll never forget how frightening that was.  Sending hopeful thoughts that these meds will be effective...poor guy.  Please keep us posted.

I am so sorry to hear about Petie. You must have been terrified! I hope this medication helps him tremendously. My brother-in-law had two dogs with a seizure disorder and the meds kept them seizure-free. Be encouraged and as Karen mentioned, join the Seizure Disorder Group. Hoping for the best for Petie. 

Oh, I'm so sorry for Petie's troubles.  Hang in there, thinking positive thoughts your way. 

This is so scary, I am sending good positive thoughts Your way.

Oh Bob...I'm So sorry to hear that Petie is going through this!

I can just imagine how frightening this must have been for you.

I hope that your Petie adjusts to the medication quickly!

Sending hugs and prayers to you both...

 Ooo My how is Petie doing today?  I hope he is getting better.

Petie is still having trouble walking and trying to pee with his leg lifted,, and sleeping most of the, time... Called Hosp. Twice to talk to dr. But never called back, called them again said the Dr. Isn't coming in till tomorrow!! This: is so frustrating! I understand his body needs to get used to the Pub but Geesh! He just isn't close to acting like himself! Sorry for the rant, I'm at work trying to convince my wife it will get better, and not believing it myself...
We'll keep posting if for nothing else, to help us justify this to ourselves...
Thanks for "listening" our new friends!
Petite & Bob

Oh Bob, I can well imagine how frustrated you and your wife must be! I hope your vet calls you first thing in the morning and is able to adjust Petie's medication appropriately. Please keep us updated.

That must have been hard, I hope that he gets well and stays well!

Hi all, Sorry we haven't posted in a while... We've been letting time and hugs get Petie back to his "normal" self. He's up and running around, My arm is going to fall off from playing fetch with the tennis ball! Sorry we sounded so silly in our first posts, we're new Doodle parents and needed the help from all of you here. We want to thank you all for being so patient and helpful to us! The PB seems to have reached a good level, had blood work done and vet says is correct level, let it roll. No activity since Christmas. Keeping our fingers crossed. Vet says, it's not "IF" he'll have another seizure, it's "WHEN" he does... Didn't want to hear that, but so far, so good. I look into his eyes and know he's back... 

Thanks for the help and patience...

Good to hear that Petie is doing well!!! I guess all you can do is take one day at a time. Petie is lucky to have such caring owners. :-)

It's so good to get an update on Petie. You guys have all been through the wringer with this. I hope Petie can continue to be stabilized and you can enjoy him all the more.



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