Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have a question from a friend who is getting a Doodle for his wife for Christmas. He wants a female but is curious about picking one that does that "I'm so happy to see you I'm peeing on the floor" I'm sure there isn't any way to tell, is there? Please let me now asap....he's picking her out 12/3...thanks!

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The breeder, if they meet the requirements of what to look for in a good breeder, can be a great resource in choosing the correct puppy for the right person. Picking the right breeder is more important  than the puppy IMO.

I agree with Lorraine. Tara's breeder asked about our lifestyle and what type of temperament we were looking for in a dog. She matched Tara to us and it has been a PERFECT match!  But the importance of a good breeder goes beyond temperament matching as you probably already know.  If not, here is a link to the DK "What to Look for In a Breeder" page which is excellent. Perhaps you can print it off and share it with your friend's husband?

Sadie can sometimes be a happy pee-er, but usually only when she arrives at doggy daycare, which she loves. I hope your friend knows that if he's getting a puppy, she is going to pee on the floor until she learns not to--puppies have accidents, after all.

I would go with breeder recommendation, provided it is a good breeder. We let our breeder choose our pup - only only preferences were a chocolate female, but we would have taken any. 


A word of caution regarding the "I'm so happy to see you I'm peeing on the floor" - this can be a sign of a high strung needy dog who may have severe separation anxiety.


Cooper has only peed from excitement once (apart from when she was a wee puppy) and thats when her grandparents visited. She is super excited to see us, but thankfully doesnt pee.

It seems like I am hearing more stories of excited peeing puppies lately! I have a friend with an ALD that is 2 years old and still pees when she is approached by strangers. Also my neighbors have a 7 month old doxie that pees when her family members bend over to pick her up or leash her.  Tara had 2 episodes as a puppy and both times it was when a large, strange man bent over her and tried to touch her. It was just TOOOOO scary! I think that many puppies outgrow it as they mature and become less fearful.

My brother's dog didn't always do it as a puppy-she is 3 now and does it all the time if you look at her or pet her too soon.

My doodles do not do the happy pee thing, but once had a Shih-Tzu that did it but grew out of it by the time she was about a year and a half.

The calmer, more laid back and confident pups usually don't.  But I don't know if I could spot that dog in a litter.  Talk to the breeder lots.  Some actually work with trainers who help them place pups.

We choose our pups for people who adopt from us. The primary reason we tell people that is what attracts them to a certain puppy is usually what drives them crazy when the dog is full grown. I would agree with the suggestion that Kaytlin posted. A dog that pees in excitement is likely very high strung and will do well in a home where they are determined to "train the pee out of her" :) Otherwise, they may lose their minds when she chews the furniture, and has anxiety disorders from being left home alone.

If there really is no help from the breeder, choosing the most excited puppy in the bunch will likely get him pretty close to what he's looking for. It may be a case of "be careful what you wish for".

Afterthought: if they REALLY have no help from the breeder (which I agree with others, shouldn't be the case), and they'd be willing to share a bit of information with me, I could offer some help in choosing a puppy. Possibly the right questions to ask the breeder, and what to watch for in the puppy on visit day. It absolutely is NOT the best way to do things, but it may help them be happy with their choice. Let me know if I can help.

Thanks for all of your responses!! Who would have thought it would be such a challenge. I got Sammy Crackers because no one wanted her....I certainly lucked out because she's everything and more!!

Thanks again to all of you!



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