Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Bailey is terrified my family and I can't understand why. He shivers so much and he's really restless and panicked.
We think it might be something with our house, because he is so desperate to get out of here. But on the other hand he's lived here with us for years, why would he suddenly get so scared of being here? We can't think of any things we've installed in the house recently. We've been trying to hear any possible noises around the house, but we can't hear anything out of the ordinary. Also we tried to shut all electricity off, but he was still so scared. My dad has taken him to grandma's now, because apparently he feels safer there. And no, no one's been cruel to him.
These are times you really wish he could speak so he could tell us what's bothering him.

Please help, we're so worried about him!

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The only other thing I can think of is a possible pest residing in your house, perhaps in the attic? I do think it would be a good idea to video tape his behavior, from room to room, and then watch the tape and see if you notice anything consistent or inconsistent. I hope you can figure it out soon.

This might not be related at all but recently- within the last two months since it has been so cold our heater has been running a lot more Loki has become afraid of the cold air return. We used to have his crate close-ish to it and he was fine with it up until it was running a lot more. He would shake, cry and get very anxious. We live in an apartment and I took him to one of our neighbors apartment and he wouldn't go near theirs either. Thankfully the way this space is set up it was easy to "block off" that spot with a book shelve and chair and he has gone back to his normal self but it might be something to check. He does still eye that corner every now and then but no more anxiety or stress.

I wonder if something could have happened to her that scared her, and that memory is continuing to frighten her, even if the initial experience hasn't recurred.  If you try to calm her when she seems terrified, perhaps over time, that memory will lessen and she will feel relaxed again. 

Please go immediately to the vet.  These symptoms sound like Roo's symptoms with the onset of Addison's disease.  When you look up Addison's disease the first symptoms are not eating and not drinking.  This was not Roo's behavior.  His behavior was so much what like you describe and we couldn't figure out what the heck was going on.

The test for Addison's is blood work and a cortisol stress test or something like that - Karen would know.

We barely caught it in time.   If it is Addison's it is easily controlled with a pill every morning or a percortinV shot every 25-28 days.

ACTH stim test. I have a friend whose 5 yr old dog also experienced similar symptoms and was subsequently diagnosed with Addison's. Her advice was also to get the dog to a vet for testing ASAP. 

Our little Bindi will act the same when when there is a beeping sound. It might be from our alarm system for the house or the back up power strip for the computer or even the waffle maker. She will tremor and hide in the corner for quite some time even after it stops. It always takes us off guard when we see her do it but the frequency bothers her. This was something she started doing as she got older. Once she is confident the noise isn't going to start up again she is fine and it stops. There is not a doubt in our mind this is what causes it for Bindi and it isn't medical. It's pretty much a cause and effect. If your pup is fine out of the home I would be pretty confident it's something similar but most definitely would get a CO detector regardless. They are just as important as smoke detectors.

We live in a semi-rural area in middle Tennessee.  The past several nights the coyotes have been howling like crazy.  Last week, my dogs snuck out and got sprayed by a skunk.  Another day last week we saw deer on our driveway.  I wonder if Bailey is hearing/smelling/seeing something outside which is worrying him. 

It could be a snowball effect.  Something disturbs him and your family tries to calm him, this could convince him that there really IS something to be bothered about.  If there is nothing medical, I would watch to see if it happens at certain times of the day.  Could be an outside critter that you don't see/hear/smell. 

Have you taken Bailey to the vet, yet? 

Any updates?

Yes, sorry for not being active on doodle kisses lately. We've been with to the vet but we haven't seen the results yet. He's still a little nervous sometimes seemingly without any reason, but it's not as bad as it was first. I want to thank everyone for caring.

Thanks for the update. I hope he continues to improve.



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