Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Please help!  Ollie is 7 months old now. Since we got him home he has never had stomach issues. Now this morning he woke us up whining at around 4 AM.  Dh took him outside and Ollie had a bout of diarrhea. He slept fine after that for about 2 hours then again woke up and same thing. Then at around 8:30 he threw up inside the house what looked like loose stools with pieces of some kind of grass or reed in it (sorry to sound gross) and then another bout of diarrhea. I have no experience whatsoever with this. I searched this forum for answers but I don't know if I should rush him to the vet or wait and see.

Should I withhold food? 

I have children's Peptobismol at home. Would that help? He was acting fine yesterday and was fine all day, I don't know what happened. Our yard doesn't have any toxic plants so I'm not really worried about that but he does chew on pine cones that fall from the neighbor's tree. I don't know if they are harmful.

I am completely inexperienced  so any insight would be much appreciated.

Another question I have is how do you clean up diarrhea from the lawn? Just wash it? I want to make sure that if there are parasites, they are gotten rid of.

Sorry about the gross-out post early in the morn. but I am very concerned about the poor baby.


Update: Ollie continues to have diarrhea and threw up again this afternoon. The vet said that it is hard to say exactly what is causing it.It could be colitis from eating something that irritated his stomach or a bacterial or a parasitic infection. His stool report will come back tomorrow. Meanwhile the vet gave him a shot to help with his nausea and diarrhea (but doesn't look like it has helped too much). He also got a 8 day supply of Metronidazole and a anti emetic. The worst part is that he is totally listless and has been sleepy all day. I just hope he is not dehydrated. The doctor has given him some prescription diet but I'm wondering whether that is ok to give because it has all kinds of things like corn and pork liver. I do wish he would recover soon. I am really worried about my little boy.

Thank you for your support and suggestions.


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I hope Ollie is doing better. It is very upsetting to see the babies sick. It's not like they cantell us what's wrong!
Just checking in to see how the puppy boy is doing!  Hope all is well and you got an answer to why he was sick.
Did they do a lipase blood test to check his enzyme level?  I wasn't thrilled with the prescription food either... it really is not good.  Check in the food group for ideas of what you can give him.. . I know many give the old remedy of boiled chicken and rice... also the pumpkin (PURE) really does help.  If you press on his gums and they don't stay white, he is not dehydrated.  Tori got the Metronidazole (it's powder, right?)  It actually made her throw up and gag when I mixed it in her food... maybe coincidence, but still made me worry... you know like when you get sick as a kid after eating something and you won't eat that food item anymore??? (lol)... sure hope he does ok during the night.  I am sure you are in for a stressful night.  I hope you both can get some sleep.  I pray this heaviness of worry will end tomorrow when he wakes up better. {{{{HUGS}}}
Did they do a lipase blood test to check his enzyme level?  I wasn't thrilled with the prescription food either... it really is not good.  Check in the food group for ideas of what you can give him.. . I know many give the old remedy of boiled chicken and rice... also the pumpkin (PURE) really does help.  If you press on his gums and they don't stay white, he is not dehydrated.  Tori got the Metronidazole (it's powder, right?)  It actually made her throw up and gag when I mixed it in her food... maybe coincidence, but still made me worry... you know like when you get sick as a kid after eating something and you won't eat that food item anymore??? (lol)... sure hope he does ok during the night.  I am sure you are in for a stressful night.  I hope you both can get some sleep.  I pray this heaviness of worry will end tomorrow when he wakes up better. {{{{HUGS}}}
Thank you Shelly. No they didn't do any blood work. I decided to trust my own judgement and gave him a spoonful of pure pumpkin and a spoon of boiled chicken. That is all that he would take. He took his first dose of Metronidazole. It is a suspension liquid and he seemed to not mind it at all.He got up and walked around a little when my husband got home and even sat with his favorite stuffed dog for a few minutes. I can't wait to have my naughty boy back. I don't think I'll ever complain again about how naughty he gets counter surfing etc. I would welcome it at this point ;-)
Awe.. poor boy!  I know what you mean... it's times like these that we appreciate their craziness.  Hoping tonight you get some peace.  I think it's best that you gave him the pumpkin and chicken.  I'm afraid now after her pancreatitis to go anywhere near any type of pork or high fatty food... that was a really scary time for us.  Hope after I get home from work poor Ollie will be on his road to recovery!  Sending my best!

I wonder if they would take back the Hill's i/d food if you returned it...I'm pretty sure that's what it is, from your description. Plain chicken and rice, with some pumpkin, will work just as well and be healthier, not to mention less expensive. Your own judgment is very good, lol!

I hope Ollie starts to feel better soon and you can both get some sleep. Please keep us posted.

My judgement was based on all I've read in the food :-) I'm going to try and return it.I got it even though I knew that I would not give it. I guess I was embarrassed to second guess the vet.

I hope he gets better soon.  I am sure this has been asked, but have you given him any type of treat that is out of the norm lately? 


How is he today?

Good to hear you arent going to feed him the prescription diet. Hope he feels better. yes you can give pepto bisoml to dogs - I gave Cooper (60lbs) a spoonful every few hours when she had diarrhea. Hope Ollie is drinking - save the stock from the boiled chicken and see if he will drink it
Ollie is much better today. He slept through the night and woke up his playful self. He asn't had another poop / throw up so that's good. The vet called this morning and said his stool sample was normal so it could be stress colitis from his first overnight stay at the pet sitter or that he ingested something that irritated his little tummy. He has asked me to continue the medication any way just to be sure. I am glad to have my sweet, doodle boy back!! Thanks again for your support and suggestions.
I'm so glad to hear that Ollie is feeling better!



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