Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi Everyone,


We are prepping to put up our new logo as the header for our site.  In doing this we will have to work through a few kinks in site layout.  We don't plan to change anything major, but there are limitations and quirks to how we can put up a new image at the top that won't disturb your profile pages. 


We DO NOT want to disturb your profile pages but want to warn you that it may happen--at least temporarily--while we iron out the best way to get that done.  So please be patient and our hope and goal is to keep your pages as they are and will do so if possible.


Thanks for your patience =)




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No worries about messing with MY homepage - it's pretty generic - in fact, maybe your messing with it will improve it!  :)

ditto with mine!


Can't wait to see the changes!
Adina, Are you going to announce who the person is who won or is that a secret??
It actually told us who did the design on the announcement I got in the email. I want to congratulate her on DK but now I'm wondering if it is supposed to be a secret so I'll wait to hear from Adina. I love it!
It IS the design we told you was the top rated design and those who signed up for updates from the design site have been emailed about the winning design. As far as WHO it is that designed it, you'll have to wait for the announcement =)
Well, I am going to check my emails right now as I am very impatient!! LOL
can't wait . . . .and will there be merchandise for sale with the logo????
Looking good so far!
I LOVE the new logo.  Looks great!!
Now it's time to make them into t-shirts?
I've been wanted a doodle t-shirt but haven't really found one that I like on cafepress.
Yep. Waitin' for the schwag!



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