Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

UPDATE - Puppy Mill Bust on West Coast of Florida - FPR is desperate for help!!

raw video from Sheriff's Office

Officials state 262 dogs on her property is not a PM but a hoarder???  All have to be spayed/neutered.

Florida Poodle Rescue Posted on FB

Florida Poodle Rescue Calling ALL helpers In the west coast of Florida. 

There has been a puppy mill bust. We are going tomorrow to pick up as many as we can transport, there are 300. We will desperately need foster homes. The vets are waiting and boarding facilities too until we can triage. Please let us know if you can help. PSB

Florida Poodle Rescue It is important to note we need fosters, and helpers. These dogs will need washed, and probably shaved naked. They will be scared and timid. These are not happy puppies, but traumatized dogs that need will need serious help. If you can foster, or offer help, please send an email to INFO@FLORIDAPOODLERESCUE.ORG

 Check out their FB page - you will never moan about combing your doodle again. Please give your doodle an extra hug and kiss for me today. This could have been my girls and Mickey if it wasn't for DRC and the education I got here on DK!

They need anything you might be able to donate - $5.00 will give a pup a collar.

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OMD, this is so sad! I wish I was close enough to help.

I imagine some of them will also be going to Carolina Poodle Rescue?

Adrianne, Thank you for posting this and I hope everyone donates. Thank goodness for these organizations.

Those pictures are horrific.  Poor poodles - they are going to all need to be completely shaved down.  So sad.  Thanks for posting. I will donate a little, every bit helps.

This makes me cry and it makes me mad!  The filthy humans that did this to these poor dogs should be - well forget it - may they burn in hell.  I'll send a donation - wish it could be larger but with dh out of work  :(

Jane - $5.00 will get a collar, a vaccine, help with gas for those that need to transport. I don't know of anyone that has cash to spare, I know I don't. They will get my $5.00.  

This is why I say I hate 'people'! People do this, humans don't!!  Humans are the rescuers, volunteers, cheerleaders that give moral support when you see this kind of vile treatment of the innocent!

Yep, I just had to spend $500 on a crib and mattress for baby, so could only give $7.  Don't know why I picked 7, but thought it would give a collar and a 1/3 :)  If 1000 humans gave $5 think of how much impact that would have.

TY!!!!  DKers always seem to find a few dollars when doodles are in need!! I just love everyone!!! Makes you  know that there are humans out there who really care! 

So sad!  My donation has been made.  Thanks for bringing this sad news to our attention--I'll give my safe and secure dog a hug.

I can't look at the photos, but will donate $5.

I have just signed up Winston and Sophie to a walkathon this sunday and am raising funds for a local rescue, but I will share this with people I know as well and see if I can get some supporters.

This makes me sad and angry at the same time.  I have just made a donation. 

This is awful. I have donated.

I've got five. Hands up. Gimme a high five.
Come on people. I won't even go into my fiances, but this is one run through Taco Bell. I'll go home and have a cold Peanut Butter Sandwich



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