Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi, when do you know that your doodle has reached it's full size and will stop growing? My (mini) doodle is 8 months old and weighs about 33 lbs. Thanks everyone!

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My vet told me they can continue growing until about 18 months. My Ginger is a one year old "medium" Golden Doodle and she weighs 24 pounds. As a medium you would think she would be bigger, but you never know.

Not minis. The skeletal growth on all but the largest dogs (think Great Danes and Irish Wolfhounds) is complete by one year of age, and earlier on smaller dogs. They will continue to gain weight in the form of lean mass, mainly muscle and bone mass, but in terms of their overall height and size, almost every doodle is finished with their skeletal growth by 10 months. 

It's harder to know with doodles, because they are a mix, and nobody knows for sure how big any of them may end up, but to put it in perspective, Miniature Poodles are finished with their skeletal growth between 6 and 8 months, Toy Poodles even earlier. Goldens and Labs are finished with skeletal growth before their first birthdays. 

So by 8 months of age, most mini doodles are as tall and long as they are going to get; they may still put on some weight as they fill out.

Really, at times I still see puppy in Cooper And then at times he looks almost full size. Thanks
Quick question- would "large" dogs include Berners? My boys both are F1 bernedoodles and Loki is now 17months and I'm just curious if I should expect him to grow anymore? Since 1 year he's put on about 8-10 lbs and doesn't look like a lanky-teen anymore just filled out so to speak. He still has giagantic paws compared to his long poodle legs so I'm curious if he will just have big paws for life or if he's still growing into them. The vet says he's in great health and I have no concerns just curious.

I don;t know if that's a St. Bernard or Bernese Mtn Dog mix. St. Bernards are "giant" breeds that typically take at least 18 months to complete their skeletal growth. Bernese Mtn dogs are not quite as big but still very large. Mixing them with smaller dogs who have much lighter bone structure really makes it difficult to predict adult size.

Vets are typically really good at assessing body condition and knowing roughly where a dog is in his growth cycle, so your vet would really be the person to ask. 

Thanks, good to know!

I have a mini doodle that weighs 14lbs now.

Here is a pic of her in Feb at 6 months, she weighed 10lbsHere is a pic of her now at 1year at 14lbs

Not only does she weigh 4lbs more, she is also a little bigger over all. She had a big growth spurt at 7 months and finally quit growing about 8 months.

Charlie is a medium ALD - and after he turned 10 months he did not get any taller and continues to stay about the same weight 38 lbs.  Occasionally he will gain a lb or two, and I can feel that backbone has a little more meat on it and I cut back on his food just a bit.  He is not an over-eater, but he seems to think he has to eat what is in the bowl! LOL  I would think your mini is about at her mature height now, but will probably gain a pound or three as she matures.  Let us now how she progresses. 

Will Do



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