Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

As per my blog post published last night (, I've brough home a new doodle. He's 5 years old and He's sweet as can be, oh so affectionate and gentle. His name is Winston. I like the name, but i don't love it. I was thinking I might give him a new one to signify his fresh start. I sort of feel like the old name carries the baggage of his old life of neglect with it. It would be nice to give him a new name to signify his new life of love and happiness. However, I'm worried a new name will confuse him and will add more stress during this time of transition. He's already quite sad about what happened to him.


What do you guys think? New name or keep the old name? If new name, any thoughts or suggestions?



Handsome Winston


Winston exploring his new diggs

err, please ignore the mess in the background!!


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Congratulations to you and your new "guy".   He's adorable!!!  He looks like a real love!    I think maybe we put more in a name than our dogs do.   My neighbor had a similar situation and had no problem "renaming" his rescue.    I say find the name your comfortable with.   Let us know what you decide.
Sherri, I have to go look for your blog. I am so surprised this morning. Congratulations. Winston is adorable and I hope he stops being sad and confused very soon. I am not going to be much help, because I love the name Winston. Good luck and keep us posted.
I think it's fine to change his name is it's something you want to do, but I wouldn't worry about Winston associating his name with his past.  I really don't think our dogs are capable of making that kind of connection.  He's a beautiful Doodle, and thank you for giving this guy a "fresh start".
OMD - what a wonderful thing - congrats!  He looks adorable!!!!  He looks like a Winston and I love that name but if you don't care for it then by all means make yourself happy.  This guy will do fine with whatever he is called!!!!  Looking forward to more photos.
I don't have any ideas for a new name, but if it would make you feel better for a new start I would rename him. I doubt they used his name much the way it sounds. It could be his middle name now! Congrats and I hope things continue to go well with your new addition!
If you change his name, I would suggest that you keep the same ending sound -- like Ashton, Benton, Jackson 
, Preston, etc. I kinda like Weston, but also think Winston is a great name. 
! Have you thought about Stone? Knox's dad was an English Golden Retriever with that name!


He is adorable- he looks a bit like a lamb with that cut! I totally missed that you were thinking about getting a second dood. I don't think that you will have any problem changing his name. He will adjust really quickly. Hewill also do just fine with his old name and the love that you are giving him. I think the greater issue is if you want to start fresh with a name that you choose for him. Personally I like the name Winston (it was the name of one of my dear departed dogs). Congrats to you and SophieBear on the addition to your family!

He's so adorable. If I were you, I'd probably re-name him too....but I think it would be more for"us" as humans than the dogs...they probably wouldn't notice it (especially him with his exciting new life!!!). He looks like a Charlie to me!!
Looks like my Spud! Congratulations. Hugston. Kind of like Winston but this guy you just want to HUG
LOVE This!
Congrats on your new family member!  I like the name Winston, I had a catnamed Winston :)  Why can't I find your blog?????  I want to know all about your new guy!

it should be the first blog listed as it's the newest one posted. It's called "Welcome Home Winston"


I've added the link to it at the top.



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