The situation regarding Rutland Manor has just gone completely beyond the realm of what's acceptable.
I realize that many here see me as being a Beverley crony, or part of the "Rutland Manor cult", but that's a label I'll wear proudly, as long as this smear campaign and terrorism continues.
After months of having Debra Tranter's followers illegally invading her property during the night, it seems things have escalated this evening in Australia.
Shania, the mother of my own Georgie, has come up missing while being let outside on a potty break. This is after the Tranter crew has been posting about how they need to "Save Shania" on numerous sites. In addition to Shania's disappearance, a farm gate was ripped off of it's hinges on the Rutland Manor property.
When is enough enough? Those of you proliferating the rumors about Rutland Manor...when you stop supporting people who know no boundaries and
who commit crimes against humans to further their cause?
If it wasn't Tranter and her crew directly, I imagine it was someone who's been reading this garbage on the internet, took it at face value and acted on it. This is exactly why I choose to speak out in support of RM.
I have been personally offended by many of the things said about RM, Beverley and even myself. But this is different. This one hits close to home, and it has be completely broken-hearted.
If I say someone is a bad parent, or I read about it on the internet, does that give me the right to circumvent the law and take their child? No. Same with animals. It seems as though people aren't willing to give Beverley and Rutland Manor the same consideration they'd want if thy were in her shoes.
Ask yourself this: what if Beverley really is innocent? What if Rutland Manor really is a place where dogs are loved and treated kindly, where Beverley freely donates animals to service organizations?
What if she is innocent of these accusations, and she's still enduring this treatment? She's being terrorized in her own home, and now she's haven her dogs stolen from her property.
When is enough enough?
Beverley's post:
It is eleven twenty five here and Jag was barking a lot so Leith Tim and I went outside with a torch to see what was going on.
Shania was doing potty outside in the garden with Stella and Clementine. Stella and Clemmie were there but Shania has disappeared. There is NO way she would ever wander off of her own accord.
Tranter and Lisa J Ryan and the "Julie Anne" person have openly posted that "Shania needs saving". I believe that they have been here tonight and stolen Shania.
Her microchip number is 9180003001110240 ; and she has an ear tattoo 096T
The big farm gate at the back of the kennel complex has been ripped off its hinges as a parting gesture.
Anyone who has any information which leads to Shania's return will be given a substantial reward and their identity will remain anonymous even if they were involved in her theft. Contact Beverley in person, you have my word.
Updated: Here is the flyer Beverley has given to the police.