Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My poor Meggie doodle was nothing but matts!  I was working on her for 2 hours a day at least, I spoke to our breeder and she said it was proably because she was getting her adult coat and mixing in with her puppy coat.  Never had a problem with matts before so I'm assuming that was it.  I brought her to the groomer and she ended up pretty much shaving her down.....she has so fluff on the ears and tails and that's about it.  My kids are calling her "rat dog" because she looks like a drowned rat now :(  I put a sweater on her to keep her warm, but I think she's embarrassed....she keeps looking at me like "Mom, I know I don't look cute now". 

Just curious on how long it takes for her coat to grow back in - did anyone else experience this issue with matts and have success after taking off the puppy coat?

~ Kami and naked Meggie doodle (aka - rat dog)

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Oh boy this was my reaction after Seamus' first haircut...I truly did not recognize him!!! I was devastated at losing his puppy fluff!  A shave, however, is often necessary as we learned....especially in the heat and in the winter when it snows to avoid snow/ice balls in their hair.  Seamus begins growing back within about 2 weeks.....we get him shaved...not to the skin...but a good amount probably 4 times a year so it isn't too bad.  I've learned to love a short haircut  =)
By the way, if we don't get him shaved, he begins to matt like crazy around his neck and "armpits."  He is just over a year and a half now and I have noticed that he doesn't seem to get quite as bad with the matting, but we also keep his hair shorter..
Spud is only two and has been shaven at least 5 times since he was 8 months old.  It grows fast  FAST.   The mats will slow down some but right now you have to do what makes your dog happy.   Many times that is shaving them down.  They love it  and feel much better. the years I have been on DK what you are experiencing is what many, many of us have as well.  It is something a lot of us can't avoid but the hair does grow back.  You didn't post a picture so I can't see how shaved she is.  But, within a few weeks it starts fluffing up and you soon thinks she looks pretty cute.  Don't let your kids tease her though.  These Doodles of ours are not your ordinary type dog.  They sense your every mood.  They can tell when you are laughing with them or at them.  The can tell when you are in tears because of a bad haircut.  That is the last thing they need to feel.  Just keep loving her and telling her how pretty she is and as far as the sweater thing...not sure.  Gracie Doodle lets me put anything on her I want but there are lots of Doodles that are 100% naked Doodles.  They won't even tolerate a bandanna!!!
You're absolutely right!! They know when they're being made fun of!! We've learned that Seamus is a bit self-conscious after a hair cut! =)

She totally knows, my husband and I keep telling her how pretty she is and we still love her.  We told the kids that they hurt her feellings calling her rat dog and quickly made it up to her by loving her up.  But the kids are anxious for her to be cute again.  I'll post a before and after pic, it was quite an adjustment as you will see!

Before and after pics
Poor baby, she DOES look embarrassed!  Don't worry it will grow back.  She'll be full and fluffy in about two months.
Oh, Kami! Poor Meggie!!!  Her color even looks different!  I feel so bad for her... I feel like when I get my hair cut and it's too short and every time I reach for my hair and it's not where I think it is, I feel bad.. (but then it grows).. I think that's how she's feeling!  One time my GR went to Petco to get groomed.  He was a reddish color, beautiful long hair... he came home BLOND and short.  I remember my son jumped on the couch when my DH brought him home - he thought it was a different dog!  And then I actually went to another Petco with Tori... NEVER again!  It will grow back, but my sympathies - I know how you feel!  Maybe buy her a new fancy coat!

ava started matting when she was around 8 months or so. she is now a little over 2 and if i don't keep up with her coat she matts SUPER easy. she will matt like crazy within a week. my mom watched her while we were away for 3 weeks and she came back with insane matting, some the size of a tennis ball.

we have shaved her down maybe twice. over the summer and when she was younger (before we got a good brush).  her hair though grows back *really* really slow. we shaved her in the beginning of last summer and her coat still isn't as long as before. it's crazy that it grows so slow in our case.

I shave Darwin down fairly short every now and then. About 3/4" it only takes him a couple of months before he's fully fluffy again. I would say give it a month or two and she'll at least be looking doodle like again!

Tara was shaved naked last year and I didn't take a picture (now I wish I had!) but this one was taken 2 months later.  She was REALLY short after the shave-maybe 1/4 inch (except face and tail)? It was 5 months before I even thought about another cut. The April shave down lasted until well into Sept.





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