Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Has anyone's doodle started to sneeze alot more then usual, stop eating, get the shivers, has an occational dry hacking cough and is very lethargic.

My 7 month old goldendoodle has been sneezing alot since last night and begun to get the shivers. Today he is acting very lethargic and hasn't eaten since yesterday afternoon. He also seems to have a fever and is acting alomst like he is scared of everything. He just want's to lay by my feet and sleep :(


Heading to the vet soon so hopefully I will get some answers!

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He is also starting to act very strange, My boyfriend had him all day and said he was acting strange and staying by his side everywhere they went, even on an off leash walk on the trails..he usually runs ahead a little bit and that he was sneezing alot.

Now he is laying by my feet and whining and panting. My vet is closed until tomorrow or I would be there right now. Does anyone have any idea what is wrong with him? I have been trying to find answers online but am not having much luck.

I would take him immediately to the Emergency Vet...don't wait!
Kendra, please let us know how he's doing.....hopefully better today.

Hey guys, we have an apt at the vet in a couple of hours so hopefully they can get to the bottom of this.

He is very sick, he won't eat..thankfully he did have a drink when he woke up today but he just wants to sleep and when he isn't sleeping he is sneezing, panting and  crying and following me everywhere. I think he has a fever and that is why he is acting so strange. I'm hoping it isn't kennel cough!

has anyone had experience with kennel cough or canine influenza?

Yes it does.  I suppose every experience is different with each dog having a spectrum of severity, but I had a dog almost die from it many years ago.  It can have serious secondary complications.   Starlit had it last March after being vaccinated and she developed bilateral pneumonia and she was sick for weeks.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it is my understanding it can become severe and to watch the dog.  Possibly both of my dogs had a strain of Canine Flu.  But until I hear otherwise, I think Kennel Cough can be a concern in some cases.

The crying and panting is what concerns me as he seems in some form of distress. So glad you are taking him in. PLease keep us posted. My two just had "colds" but it was just sneezing and runny noses. One night I thought Bella might have had a fever, but they were otherwise fine. I used Benedryl for a few days and it subsided on it's own.  Your little guy sounds much sicker though.
Hi Kendra...we are really wanting to know what the vet said.  Please update us when you can!
Could he have gotten something up his nose? Please keep us updated.
Our dog had kennel cough in November and it was awful..he did not sneeze though.  He made a hacking noise like he was trying to clear his panting fever either....he threw up phlegm constantly for a few days....he was not really lethargic and he still had an appetite.  But every dog is different.  I see you live in Nova Scotia....I am sure your are in a deep freeze like we are here in Toronto.  I have heard that when there is a frost Kennel cough is less frequent.  Pls let us know what the emerg vet diagnoses.  Take care.

We had an outbreak of the Canine influenza and it was something like that except that our dogs threw up bile and it was very gooey.   They were sneezing and coughing like kennel cough a bit in the beginning, but then it deteriorated into something much worse.   We had several of our young dogs die from this.   It is a new strain discovered 5 years ago that passed from horses to grey hounds and is spreading across the US now.    There is a vacinne and it requires a booster 2 weeks later and must be repeated annually as it is the "H1N1 of dogs and very serious.


So hope your baby gets better and you get to the bottom of the problem.  

Hoping to hear that Carlos is doing well. Please let us all know. Poor guy. Poor you.

Hey guys!

Well the vet wasn't really too sure what is going on, she thought it might be a mild case of kennel cough or he possibly got something up his nose. He is taking antibiotics and a steroid for inflammation. He is eating and drinkin fine but still quite lethargic. Still sneezing too! but today he seems alot more like himself, he ever wanted to play his favorite game for about 20 mins.

So all I can do is wait and see! hopefully he makes a full recovery and returns to his doodley self soon!

Thanks for all the concern!



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