Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Has anyone's doodle started to sneeze alot more then usual, stop eating, get the shivers, has an occational dry hacking cough and is very lethargic.

My 7 month old goldendoodle has been sneezing alot since last night and begun to get the shivers. Today he is acting very lethargic and hasn't eaten since yesterday afternoon. He also seems to have a fever and is acting alomst like he is scared of everything. He just want's to lay by my feet and sleep :(


Heading to the vet soon so hopefully I will get some answers!

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BTW, did he have a fever afterall?
We are so very glad he is showing signs of improvement.   Sounds like it might have been kennel cough.  
I am so relieved to hear that the doctor was not extraordinarily worried. What a blessing. I hope he has a quick recovery for both of your sakes.
So glad to hear! Good for you as I know it can be concerning when these little guys aren't themselves. Glad you went to the Vet. Take care of you now.
I hope he feels better!:) Love ya, Carlos:)
When our goldendoodle had Kennel cough in November he was on antibiotics just as a precaution to prevent any secondary infection.  But it was a good 10 days until he was back to normal and even after that he would cough if he got probably 2 weeks until I would let him around other dogs.  If the emergency vet was not that concerned...I guess it is nothing too serious and the antibiotics and other drugs will help him rid of whatever he has picked up.  Poor guy...he is just a baby .  I hope you see a great improvement in the next few days.  Sending our good wishes from Ontario...Deb and Thomas.

Hey guys,

Carlos is eating and drinking normal but there is just something that isn't right! he is on antibiotics and a steroid in case he has inflammation so maybe these new behaviours are a side effect of the drugs?

I am really worried about him. He is acting as if he is scared and fearful of everything!...every little sound he hears and like he is even scared of me and everyone else too. He won't come close to us and when we move towards him he runs away and wants to be in his kennel.

Has anyone elses doodle ever acted like this before? And he not normally a timid dog AT ALL, that is what worries me.

Dear Kendra, I am so sorry Carlos is displaying these behaviors. I went back to look at your first post and you mentioned that he seems afraid but that he wanted to be near you. It sounds to me like he could be in pain. I would definitely get another opinion about what could be wrong with him. I am so sorry for all of you. This must be so disconcerting for you and sad for him.

Sunny acted in a way similar to this when she had a splinter in the roof of her mouth. She was in a lot of pain, so when she thought someone was coming toward her, she either would lie down and cower or she would run away. I eventually caught her pawing at her mouth, so I knew where the pain was, and I was able to pull the splinter out.


So it sounds like he is in pain.

He is in pain.  Both of my dogs hide in their crates when they are sick.  It is pitiful.  Give him some time - as long as he is eating and going potty, I wouldn't freak out yet.  If by the end of today (Tuesday) he is not perking up, I would call your vet again or seek another opinion. 
Kendra...I really am concerned for Carlos.  I wouldn't sit around and observe any longer.  I would take him to another vet and quickly.  He should have started responding by now and I think the first Vet sort of "blew  you off" so to speak.  Carlos is telling you something by his behavior and you need to listen to him.  So does the Vet!  I would now consider it an Emergency.  I always want to be safe than sorry!!!!  Take him now!

Sounds like my dog behaved after a rattle snake bite. where are U located? Oh, I see U posted a couple of days ago. What did the vet say? For everyone's benefit & bcs No one ever talks abt sneezing as a sympton of rattlesnake bite. Its like this: Curious dog sticks nose in thicket --> snake bites nose --> No one sees it happen & baby snakes don't make a sound but can be lethal --> mucous membranes in nose swell from bite --> Dog sneezes convulsively --> Very often dog dies & no one knows why. Be sure to check the skin on the outside of nose for blood or a bite --> Convulsive sneezing is an ER issue within less than 1 hour.

Pls post what the vet said abt ur dog. I really want to know. Puppy love from Joy & Furry folk



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