Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
She smells like stinky fish for about 30 minutes. It's horrific. It does go away and she is back to being her pleasant to be around self but right when she gets home she smells like a high school locker room after a wrestling match.
I have never had a dog have body odor after exercise. Is it just Lollipup?
Have never heard of that and it does not happen with my three--is it something on her feet perhaps? I will be interested to hear what others say...
Could it be that the exercise or excitement from running is making her anal glands expel. That would explain the stinky fish smell.
Just a thought.
Ohhhhh...Hmmmm. Is that good or bad? HA!
OH WAIT!! Thinking about it, almost every time Lolli poos, she squeezes and contract her rump and a few drops of fluid drip out. I'm betting that she "expressing" herself, isn't she?
I am so about to vomit.
When Meg plays hard she has more of a doggy odor than normal (not the smell you are talking about), we keep a spray bottle handy that is 1/4 vinegar and 3/4 water to spray her down and neutralize the odor.
Oh! I think I will try that, just in case. I notice it more than anyone else, but ever since I had my first (human) child, I've had dog nose and am hyper sensitive to smells.
We use to call our old dog Zach "tuna butt" if that gives you any indication that you are not alone, when it happened we would take him to the Vet to get his anal glands expressed manually. Gives new meaning to eau de toilette! I feel for you.
Thankfully Daisy girl has good firm poops and doesn't seem to have the problem. Thank Goodness.
Now that someone has mentioned it I am reminded of a time we had Rio in the car for a long drive to a friend's house--he started getting antsy, but we did not realize that it was because he had to " make a doody" as we say it around here--and that fishy smell was all thru the car--ugh!! When we arrived and let him out--it was clear that he had to go! oops!
Lolli is not shy about letting us know she has to go. She tootles like a trumpet and is not a wee bit embarrassed.
Haven't had that experience yet. My dogs get lots of exercise and do a lot of running, but no doggie odors. They sometimes walk in stinky mud and need baths or at least foot baths when they get home, but no fishy smell.
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