Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I'm not a big sandwich eater in general, and an infrequent BET watcher (I do love the Monique Show) but Subway and BET have officially created an ambassador of ill will.
(I also call TOTAL BS on Subway not having a say in the decision)
I know sports lovers are "over" Michael Vick's dog fighting days, but I'm not. I'm a dog lover and my memory is long.
I ask this question with all due respect and not giving a flying fig one way or the other about Michael Vick.
Why do we as Americans agree that prison is for "rehabilitation" (which is kind of a joke in itself) and once the person has "paid their debt to society", we are to allow them back into civilized society for a second chance...BUT we never give them that chance or recognized their "rehabilitation or paid debt"? This of course excludes white collar criminals. We barley even blink when someone commits fraud of any type.
Clint - I get what you are saying and wish that I was a better person. But I'm not. I have a very knee-jerk reaction towards violent criminals (there are many reasons I'm a bit jaded, that don't really bear delving into). I do count Michael Vick as a violent criminal, because he encouraged violence on a group that could not proctect itself. As an Atlantan, I feel that he's a self-entitled thug who perpetuated dog fighting in a community that he could have used his celebrity to help elevate citizens.
(I blink over fraud!!!)
This so called man will never have paid his "debt" to the innocent animals he harmed. He should not be revered at the very least. Makes me want to puke!
Even if he has been rehabilitated he was a monster along with his sick buddies in his crimes, not crime, CRIMES!
You said in your own comment that rehabilitation is a joke, what's the question here?
I have a son in law that loves the Eagles. He and I get in a debate about Michael Vick a lot. My feeling about Michael Vick is, no matter the length of his prison stay, when he got out of prison, he was still damaged emotionally and morally. There is something very wrong to the core with a man who can watch and/or participate in the torturing of innocent animals for pleasure. He may have paid his debt to society in the eyes of the law, but I don't believe prison can fix that part of him that allowed such cruelty. I just can't forget what he let happen, no matter how well he plays football.
I am also not sure he is a changed man or now just has a good PR person that is telling him what to say and do to try and change his image. I am sorry about your friend. I see your point there too.
I can respect your answer. I think that is a very honest answer and something I think most people feel, but would never admit. When I was speaking about how crime is viewed and criminals I was talking about our cultural view as a whole.
I don't know what to think of your answer. I do respect your honesty as well. I will say that I never mentioned or implied race. Honestly, I have a life long friend...our mothers were pregnant with us at the same time...that made one big mistake when he was 17 or so and is now a convicted felon. When he finally got out of state prison and tried to get his life on track he wanted to open up a used car lot. The city DENIED his business license application because of his felon status. What kind of sense does that make? He paid his debt, he was trying to make good on his parole obligations by working a legitimate job, and he was trying to go above and beyond by opening his own business. Oh, and this guy is Italian and looks just like any other "Caucasian" walking down the street. So, I do not think race is the source of how we, as a culture, view criminals.
I do not think white collar crimes are okay by any stretch however, crimes when one human being inflicts torture, pain, and harm to another living thing is in a whole other category...
I believe in forgiveness of sins, forgiveness of crimes after time has been served, I do not believe that someone, even after time served should be automatically fully trusted. Just because someone was behind bars does not mean anything to me, what so ever, It means that they got caught and were forced to serve time, It doesn't show that they have changed their ways at all.
I am sorry for your friend that is not able to move forward with his life after serving time, one mistake, is one mistake, and if it involved harming another human being I am sorry. I don't feel that it is okay and I feel he needs to prove himself that he changed, not just say I served my time.. Big whoop.
That is like putting a dog in a crate for being naughty, Yup he was in the crate but did he learn anything?? that is the bigger question.
I believe people can be forgiven, but to trust to put as a public figure is wrong. That is just a consequence you have to deal with, I also feel white collar criminals should not be trusted or given full reign over stuff either, they would always need accountability in my eyes.
Same as someone who cheats on another person, they don't automatically get trust back,
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