Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My mom is moving to Hilton Head, to a retirement community called Sun City. We are here over night. Today after checking out some of the model homes, Jack and I got dropped off at the dog park, This was our very first experience in a dog park with big and small dogs...


As soon as we went in, I was greeted but the cutest LDoodle ever, The guy told me the ropes of the park including the new leash rule...  So I took Jacks leash off and held my breath.. I know he has done great in school but he has never run with huge dogs before. He did great, He ran and ran, When the big dogs went swimming in the pool he barked at them and waited for them to get out.


All together, we ran into a total of five doodles at this one dog park!! They were all so cute. I was so happy to have my dog back playing with me since Grammie was off looking at other houses.. It was the funniest thing, as soon as my mom walked into the play yard, he stopped what he was doing and yelped and flew across the whole park to get to her.. People made so many comments on how excited he was to see her... I have to remind her, he is my dog...


I love Hilton Head Beach as well, Jack got to run on the beach, he even went in the ocean, which means I went in the ocean I didn't want him to go to far...


I was wondering if any of the people I met today were on here, I told some people about it but most of them were older people who said they are enjoying their life and don't have time for a computer. HUMPH!!!


I swear Sun City is like a Disney World for older people and dogs...At dinner tonight, we were eating at this place and a lady took her check book out and tried to buy Jack.. from my mom of course because where else would Jack be but at her feet...


All and All Hilton Head is very dog friendly, the waitress even brought Jack his own doggie bowl of water and he was the star of the place.


Jack is now sound asleep on my moms bed in the hotel with my mom snoring next to him... and me, I am wide awake because I can't stand snoring!!!!!!

Anybody else have a real dog friendly beach area they bring their dogs to? I would move here in one second if only my house would sell






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LOL Jen... It's great to be in dog friendly communities... at least your mom didn't take the check!!
Aw, good job Jack for being brave with the big guys! Sounds like a wonderful community.

It is so nice to not get looks of disgust when you bring your dog somewhere, I was very proud of him for hanging with the big doods and other dogs!!!! I had treats in my pocket so you can imagine the crowd of dogs I attracted.


It makes everything so much more fun just knowing dogs are allowed most places, and even welcomed!!! The hotel we are staying in is dog friendly and it is very clean, Jack however, is barking at noises, he is so tired from playing so hard but the noise wakes him and he barks which makes my mom yell at him.. What a fun night!!!


Every other doodle owner I met, recognized Jack as a doodle but thought he was an 8 week old puppy..... Poor Jack, As a really cool note, some of the doodles I met today where 13 years old and they were big doodles and they had no health problems what so ever!!!


To me, I would love to move here any town that loves dogs and lets them on the beaches and to restaurants is a town I want to live in , except for the alligator thing.. I am a freak when it comes to alligators, I am scared to death of them, and if I know my darling dog, he would for sure go up to one and sniff its rear and I would then have to go pry an alligators mouth open for sure!!

and Jen.. where are the pics?? Get your camera out!!  LOl!

So glad you're having fun looking for houses for your Mom Jen...and enjoying the time with Jack!

Are you really thinking of moving there...I'll miss you!


Susan, my house will never ever sell.  I would miss you too. It is amazing here. I will be visiting a lot and who knows what someday will bring, I do not want to live in a 55 plus community, I may want to use some of the accommodations  but that is it.


This town on the beach fits my lifestyle perfect though and the salt air is so good for my lungs!!


I miss you, I hope I see you soon

I can't wait to hear all about it when you and I get back home...

I'll talk to you soon...



It sounds like a great, dog-friendly place to live. Perhaps your mom needs a Jack clone to be a get-acquainted magnet.
Nancy my mom is on a waiting list for a girl toy goldendoodle. I however, will be the one training her for the first few months. My mom needs her own dog so I can have mine back!!!
LOL  at the lady with the check!  Glad you could travel with her .... and they let dogs in the food area.  I have never been to Hilton Head, but hope to go some day.
How could anyone not want to buy Jack.  Sounds like a cool place for dog people.  Hope your Mom finds a nice place with an extra bedroom for your visits!

You all are so sweet.. She is having a home built and she is already having a shower/tub grooming area put into the garage so that after the beach Jack and her new puppy to be can get cleaned off!!!!


We are off to take pictures of the model home and then I am going to try to get Jack back in the dog park before we head home... I am beat though, between my mom snoring, and my dog on high alert as anyone walked by the hotel room.. I am sleep deprived but still half tempted to go to the beach again!!!


I say all of Doodle Kisses creates their own dog friendly town on the beach where we can all live!!! Now that would be fun!!



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