Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I had posted earlier about my appaloosa doodle.  Well, I "bit the bullet" and gave Tessa a haircut.  The mud had turned to ice, then mud, then snow AND ice, then mud again.  She loves to fetch and that means dried mud splatters all over her "undercarriage".  I think spring has finally arrived, so I gave her a new look.

Here is a collage of her different colors.  Dark as a pup, light mahogany as a teenager, lavender as a 1 year old, now ??? as an almost 2 yr old.  Any ideas of her color?  Guesses as to what color she'll stay?  Any other doodles have these color variations?  The last picture has Webster, a stable milk chocolate, as a back drop.  She's actually a little darker in person but the "highlights" reflect brilliantly and make her look lighter.

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OMGoodness...What a beautiful specimen of a dog!  Wow!  ...I've seen this type of coat described as a phantom coat - seriously gorgeous.

Gorgeous!  In all colors!

That is pretty! You never know how these coats will turn out! I wold say she is in her way to parchment but will always have a blend.

My Chase is very similar - darker on the head and pale coffee to silver everywhere else. I read that a true lavender has hair that is the same colour from root to tip, whereas a cafe au lait coat has darker roots and is light at the tip.

Tessa is really pretty dog and very distinctive looking.  I think she still might be described as silver, not that it makes any difference!



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