Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Amante was chilling at the front screen door this morning. I was doing laundry, cooking, homework etc.
I was walking back and forth accumulating laundry, putting laundry away in other words I was watching him. He was laying on the foyer rug enjoying the cross breeze. I am in the Laundry room doing a switch and hear him parking, not unusual but rare. I stop and call him. I hear a crash and RUN to the foyer. There is a BIG Dog on my Amante. He had crashed thru the screen and into my foyer. I instinctly try to grab the dog by the collar and try yanking him off. The hair on the back of him was standing straight up. I am screaming of course. I result to hitting him with the stick vacuum (closest weapon other then the Swiffer stick). He finally let go of Amante and I yelled for Amante to go in his crate. He did!! (Good Boy) I was able to kick the door shut. Now it is me and this dog who is now pissed because I hit him with the vacuum. He is trying to chew through the crate! I am worried because it is not latched. So I have my vacuum and am warding of this dog. My neighbor who was mowing his lawn finally heard my screaming. He came in I yelled for him to call police he did they arrived to find me standing on the crate with my vacuum now broken, guarding Amante!! I can only imagine what I looked like!! It was not pretty.
Amante miraculously seems fine, clingy and very affectionate. Animal control told me that the dog was chipped so they could find who it belonged to. He told me hiting him and kneeing him was not the best idea. I won't repeat my answer!!! I can't believe he just crashed through the screen like that!!! I think I am fine but am sure I will be sore later!! I guess I can't have a screen on front door.
Update: I have my glass in now!! Amante still sits in front of door and watches the passerby's. My husband comments that he wouldn't be afraid either if he had a pitbull bodyguard!! I called about the other dog and was told he was still in custody and that no one has responded to the messages that were left. He was chipped so they have been trying to reach the owners. If no one claims him I guess that means he will be put down. I feel sad for him. I am very very sore. My neck and shoulders are the worst of it. Imagine tomorrow will be worse before it gets better.
WOW! Talk about the unexpected. I hope Amante is alright. Find out who the owner is and get reimbursed!
Unbelievable!! Glad you and Amante are OK.
How totally terrifying, I am glad you and Amante don't have any physical injuries but I am sure it will take quite sometime to calm down and get over this experience. You are a brave woman and no matter what the idiot person who responded to your call said, I think you did what was necessary and that dog is lucky he isn't sporting your stick vac as a permanent part of his anatomy.
SECURITY SCREEN - they are secure and a dog could not crash through. I am sorry this happened. You always think you are safe in your home. I am so glad that you and Amante are okay. And what did the cops think you should do? Welcome the dog in and serve tea?
Wowzers!! What a horrible thing to have happen! So glad both of you are okay. A dog coming right through your screen and attacking your dog---crazy! You were absolutely right in what you did--use whatever you have handy to protect yourself and your pup. Of course you would hit the dog and knee him!!
WOW - that was scary !!! I am glad you and Amante are OK - I don't think I would put a screen back in the door. My back door can have a full screen or full glass. I always keep the glass in because I know my Oliver... he would go right thru the screen !!!! I feel safe that the glass is in there at all times. I'm glad you two are OK
Rose, thank goodness you are both okay.
First off, I am glad you are both ok....Is Amante now scared to sit by the door? They owe you a new screen door.
And secondly, I think this sounds like a case for The People's Court!!!!
What an almost unbelievable thing to happen while you are in your own home and Amante is sitting by the door. A random act by a very aggressive dog that actually came into your home. Crazy. It's amazing what you can do when the adrenalin is rushing through the body ! I am so glad you are both alright. That is a dog that certainly needs constant restraining if nothing else and you need your door repaired. We don't have those doors here in Ireland. Just one solid one that is always closed to the street so no fear of such a thing happening here but they do say that the majority of accidents happen in the home !
What a frightening experience. I think it is amazing that you were able to keep it together and react so quickly to protect Amante! Glad you are both okay.
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