Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

It has been a rough two weeks for sure.  But we are slowly but surely putting together a plan for me and the kids.  We have a trailer bought and in a few weeks we will be set to move in ---I hope.  I am in better control of my emotions ( I am not ashamed to admit it may have ALOT to do with the meds I am now on).  I am still struggling with the why's; and of course, I have no clue how to let go of me feelings for my husband.  Still, even through all the pain he has caused me and my kids I am worried about him---I am hoping this passes soon.

But for the really good news...I think I found a home for Grayson.  We feel it was meant to be.  Last night she researched the DRC and petfinder trying to find a young (but not puppy) goldendoodle.  And this morning my really good friend walked into their homeschooling group with a picture of Grayson and my story.  A few hours later she was here with her kids and fell in love.  She is taking him for a sort of trial period---a week to see how he fits.  But it could be perfect.  They have 66 acres, a big house, and lots of love. 

Then to make things even better---when we came in the house she noticed a picture of my late uncle on my wall and we realized she knows my whole family.  She says we can see him when we want---and she will keep in touch so I know how he is doing.  My mom and stepdad know her and her husband, and they say they are great people.  She did feel bad taking him away from me---she feels I have lost so much already, but I am just so happy that he may have a great home.  I can't give that to him right now---I have too much on my plate trying to remake a home for my sons.

Anyways, keep your fingers crossed for me please...I am ready for some good things to start happening in our lives.


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Great news about Grayson.

You and your children are still in my thoughts and prayers.   Please nevermind the "whys?" right now.  Tall order, I know.  Often the whys? are unimportant and not in your control.  Over time you will begin to understand yourself better because of this and that is a good thing.   You have enough on your plate to just get through each day.  You will always care about your sons' father.  Only time will make it less raw, less "why", more "it just is".  There are good minutes ahead, then good hours and good days.  Just hang tough.  If there is a local group for women going through a divorce with a decent counselor, when you can stand to, try it out.  If it helps, go back, if it doesn't you only lost a little time.

What a gift that your family knows the family and thinks highly of them. That must give you so much peace of mind. Hoping this is the best answer for all of you. I am so very sorry you are facing such difficult times.
I was so very happy to read this!  Amanda is sounds like you are doing just an excellent job of putting together a plan for your yourself, the boys and  Grayson!!!!!  I'm glad that you have the help of a doctor and some meds to attend to your needs at this time - you have to take care of yourself to take care of your boys.  This sounds like you may have found the perfect home for Grayson - let this give you strength and comfort!!!!
This may just be the beginning of things starting to turn around for you....I so hope that's the case.  Fingers and paws crossed that this is the right home for Grayson.  Thanks for the update, and keep up the good work.

Great news on all fronts.  Now that you have taken care of everything, please take the time to take care of yourself.  I divorced when my daughter was 3 and my son was 6 weeks old.  I was so focused on keeping busy and taking care of everything and everyone else, I forgot to take care of me.    You sound like a very strong woman, your soon to be ex is an idiot.  Take care of yourself!


Great news, Amanda! I'm glad you've found such a wonderful and understanding family for dear Grayson. Keeping you and your sons in my thoughts....
I'm so glad you found a place for Grayson that feels like such a perfect fit.  Hopefully, other changes will start to "fall into place" as well.  Stay strong!
That is a blessing!!! I wish you could keep him until you leave. This sounds like the perfect place for him and they know your family,  you couldn't ask for anything more!
Oh Amanda what a joy to know that he is being so very loved. If it cannot be your family it is wonderful that some other family gets just how special he is. Blessings to you as you move forward at this very difficult time. Praying you and the boys recover from this wounding completly and speedily.
Oh I'm so glad you found the perfect home for Grayson. Now you can turn your energy to yourself and your kiddies. Best of luck to you as you embark on a new life journey. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, and that there is something wonderful right around the corner for you :) wonderful it is to know that Grayson is being taken care of and loved so much!

I'm sure that is a relief to I know you love him so very much.

A true sign of love...thinking more of the welfare of the other...than of yourself.

I will continue to keep you and your children in my thoughts and you continue to move forward.





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