Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Chervil, who is about to turn 3, has recently been throwing up just a little in the morning. Just stomach acid and foam--and perhaps three days in the last week. Then she eats and seems to be fine. Today, she threw up several times and has no appetite. I got her to eat a couple kibbles, and she immediately threw them up again. When she went out to do her business (she had a normal bowel movement), she ate a bunch of grass--which she then threw up. I have a call into my vet, but I wondered if anybody here has an insight or experience into what's going on? Thanks for any help!
I'm a bit surprised this hasn't turned up earlier for her. I've found that Paddy won't throw up bile if I can keep a little something in his stomach, so when I crate him at bedtime, he gets a couple of treats. It used to be worse when he was younger, so I always gave him a couple of treats first thing in the morning. That seemed to solve the problem. He still will eat grass from time to time (don't all dogs?) but the bile issue has pretty much resolved itself except for the rare occasion.
Had this same issue with Murphy several weeks ago...started giving him a small snack right before bed and the morning bile/foam throw up stopped.
It's pretty common. As the others have mentioned, a small snack in the evening before bed helps.
Hi Linda...My 5 year old ALD Bella was doing this almost every morning for awhile. Same thing...Just stomach bile but OMD! was pretty NASTY smelling stuff! I am certain that it was even more horrible for poor Bella who not only had to smell it but had to taste it as well and then have the added pleasure of having it all over her beard.
Needless to say Bella was not a happy camper.
I did notice that simultaneously with the onset of the morning bile episodes, Bella had also developed a little cough...It was almost as if she was always trying to clear her throat and it would happen every time she went to bark or "talk"...
I called my vet and told him that I suspected that Bella was suffering from Acid Reflux....Sure enough that is exactly what it was and it is common ....Especially as dogs age.....
My vet recommended Zantac 75.....Twice a day.....So that's what we do....Bella no longer vomits, coughs or has any issue with bile or reflux. She is only 32 lbs. so the vet recommended we split one pill in half so Bella gets half in the morning and half at night before bed.
Check with your vet and see if this is an option for Chervil.
Thanks so much to all of you for your comments--it is so reassuring to have so much experience so readily at hand (and so generously shared). Chervil is at the vet's right now, as her wretching began to get worse. I imagine they'll charge me a zillion dollars to tell me to give her an acid reflux pill!!! But better that than risking something serious. (I suppose I panicked also because I dreamed last night that she'd gotten lost and I couldn't find her after three days of looking! Horrible!) I have been giving her a small bully stick before bed, and have just opened a new package this week. That might be the issue too.
There is a big difference between a little vomiting in the morning (which one of my dogs also does and the snack helps) and not being able to hold anything down as you described happening this morning. She may have an obstructed bowel, especially if she got a big piece of bully stick off and swallowed it. I hope not!! And I hope she feels all better soon!
Spud throws up all the time, especially in the morning. Always has. He is healthy. We found that small frequent meals help instead of two feedings a day. If that would work for you, give it a try.
Hope you get good news from the vet and it's nothing more than the others have mentioned.
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