Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Charlie is finally reliable and responsible (can a dog be responsible?) enough to spend time outside of the crate when I leave the house. I leave him gated in the hallway with access to the laundry room, a safe toy, his bed, and a full bowl of water. Three days in, he seems to be doing ok with the arrangement. Nothing is destroyed or chewed, the gate is intact, and I don't see any digging marks on the floor. He has the laundry room (dark, cool floor) to curl up in and he's done this even when I'm home for privacy instead of going in his crate.

Thing is, he doesn't touch the water in 4 or 5 hours- the bowl still has the same amount when I get home, and no water is on the floor. While I'm home, he's over there about every hour, getting quite wet in his water bowl and dripping all over the floor. It's pretty obvious he's not drinking during his semi-confinement. It's not a long time, I don't worry about his overall water consumption at all. Is this a sign of separation anxiety? Am I just thinking like a crazy doodle mom? I'm thinking I should probably see if it continues in a few weeks before worrying to much.

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I like that explanation. It makes Charlie and my relationship sound much more mature!

I just always thought that they correlate drinking and then having to go to the bathroom, so if they dont drink, they can hold it while you are gone!

This is pretty common.  Our guys don't eat or drink if we're not home. 

Luna is alone sometimes for up to 8 hours while we're at work... she doesn't touch her water at all while we're not there even though she has access to 3 water bowls - one on each floor.  If I fill a Kong with food though she will eat that so I know she's not super stressed about us being gone.  She just knows that since she can't get out to pee if we're not home she shouldn't drink ;)

If I leave for 6 or 7 hours and leave the water out it is usually still full when i return.  Crazy drinking once i get home but I think they get used to me leaving and then just go and sleep the whole time. 

The farmers dog theory made me giggle. Just thinking of calling my dogs "working" dogs or that I could be their "farmer". But it makes sense. I also think they just budget their water drinking when they aren't sure they can go out and that's only if someone is home.
They will eat anything available though, but after hugs and kisses when I get home they run to the waterbowl and gulp it down.

Dogs will drink when they are thirsty.... my Shih Tzus would not eat or drink until I came home.  I'm not sure about the doodles though.



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