Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Charlie is finally reliable and responsible (can a dog be responsible?) enough to spend time outside of the crate when I leave the house. I leave him gated in the hallway with access to the laundry room, a safe toy, his bed, and a full bowl of water. Three days in, he seems to be doing ok with the arrangement. Nothing is destroyed or chewed, the gate is intact, and I don't see any digging marks on the floor. He has the laundry room (dark, cool floor) to curl up in and he's done this even when I'm home for privacy instead of going in his crate.

Thing is, he doesn't touch the water in 4 or 5 hours- the bowl still has the same amount when I get home, and no water is on the floor. While I'm home, he's over there about every hour, getting quite wet in his water bowl and dripping all over the floor. It's pretty obvious he's not drinking during his semi-confinement. It's not a long time, I don't worry about his overall water consumption at all. Is this a sign of separation anxiety? Am I just thinking like a crazy doodle mom? I'm thinking I should probably see if it continues in a few weeks before worrying to much.

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Quincy will neither eat nor drink when we are gone. I often joke I could leave a turkey on the floor and it would still be there when I got back. He also won't take a treat when he knows we are leaving and he's not invited. I sometimes think it may be a little separation anxiety but I think it is fairly common for a lot of dogs to do this. He doesn't get into anything, doesn't bark or whine he simply lays down and awaits our return. 

That makes me feel better! I do know that Charlie eats the treat in his Kong... it's always gone when I get home.

This is Oliver to a tee. No eating or drinking when he's alone or when we're leaving. I'm wondering if it's something he'll grows out of. I feel bad leaving him because I too think it might be related to anxiety.
My dogs are crated when I am not home. Luca often doesn't eat and I don't think he ever drinks from his water bowl. Calla eats and drinks. I don't think Luca has separation anxiety at all but he still prefers to eat when I am nearby.

We call it "stasis."   I too could leave a turkey, and two dozen tennis balls and four stuffies.  Gavin touches nothing.  When I get home, he comes to greet me, then runs to get a big drink of water, then brings me his ball.  Totally normal I think. 

Jack had full range of the house for a long time until I heard one too many stories of owners coming home and finding their dogs got injured from jumping off furniture. Jack now goes to what we call "his office" which is the main bathroom. He happily goes there when I tell him too, He gets a full bowl of water, an iPad of music, a bed, some snuggle toys and I always drop a handful of treats as I shut the door.

He will eat the treats but will never ever touch his food or water when I am gone... Same was true when he had full range of the house.. He never ate..  I leave the water anyway in case he gets thirsty or chokes on something and needs a drink but I think it is normal for dogs to not drink when we are not there

Jennifer, you are a very good Doodle Mommy!  Making Jack so comfortable when you leave is sooooo sweet.  Now I'm feeling guilty about Libby.  She is mostly crated when we leave for the reason you stated too, although I have never left her with all the "extras" you leave Jack.  Shhhhh don't tell her:)

Camus doesn't drink any water if I am not home.  I use to leave a large bowl of water in his crate, but he did not touch it. Worried at first, but no longer.  The only thing he does is suck on his stuffed dog, seriously, just like a baby sucking his thumb.

I wouldn't be the least bit concerned. A lot of dogs don't eat or drink when they are home alone, and not because of separation anxiety. They mostly just sleep when they're alone at home.

None of my dogs ate or drank when I wasn't home, either. Very normal.

OK, I shall not worry! I'm sure if I left kibble, he wouldn't eat it. Maybe that will be tomorrow's experiment.

Rosco also won't drink when we are away.  I joke to myself that it's because he knows he can't hold his bladder while we are gone so why bother?

Cesar says it is a dog's job to lay in wait and be ready for his master's next bidding.  Working dogs do it all of the time.  While the farmer is in the house having lunch, the dog waits on the stoop for when the farmer needs him again.  It is the sign of a balanced dog.  It makes sense to me because most of the time even after being home alone for a  period of time, Gavin appears tired and will go to sleep once we return.  Maybe in some ways it is a mental exercise to be in a state of low level awareness during the waiting period.



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