Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Does anyone have a number one trait that they want in an animal? Mine was always a dog/cat/w.e that would like to cuddle. I am a homebody and like to spend my time reading and watching movies. So in highschool, when I was not allowed a dog, I decided to bring home a farm kitten and see if my parents would let me keep him. I was allowed to, and boy was I excited to spend my days "cuddling" with this little furr ball. Little did I know this cat was an animal form of the devil and liked to spend its time on top of the fridge or cabinets sleeping. My dreams were dashed when he would not play any attention to me...
When looking for a Goldendoodle breeder I searched countless sites all around the country and the common message was "smart, calm, cuddly "hypo-allergenic" furballs". Bailey was my first dog and I had wanted one my whoooole life, someone to "cuddle" with. I thought, hmm looks like a Teddy bear, they must be good snugglers (of course I chose her for many other reasons then cuddles but that was the trait I longed for). When we picked her up at 8 weeks I tried to carry her in my lap for the 2 1/2 hr car ride, she would have none of it and wouldve rather sat at my feet in the slush and snow. That shouldve been my first clue. As the weeks passed I thought that maybe she was just too young and playful to want to cuddle. She hated the crate as a pup but even as we tried to get her to sleep on the bed, she chose the floor. Now at a year old she has settled down quite a bit. She barely wants to get up in the morning and is in her crate sleeping by 8pm. Wait, did I say crate..? YES, she goes in there by herself rather then sleeping at our feet. The odd morning when I am up at 6am will she cuddle with me for 10 minutes on the couch- oh how I relish the moments. Again, my dreams are dashed. She is still my baby, but it hurts my feelings when she ignores my requests for love, LOL.
My friends brother, with whom she lives with adopted a pit bull from the humane society. Hes 2 and a pretty nice boy. So one day I brought B over to play with him while us girls hung out. Sloan played with her a bit, but when they were done he jumped right onto the couch, and threw his whole body onto my lap (almost crushed me). All he wanted was some loving, and he layed there for hours while I stroked his bony, muscular body, all the while Bailey layed in the middle of the hall by herself. I have to say it was quite unexpected, considering the breed myths. My friend said he is always like that, a HUGE cuddler. Sigh... who wouldve thought a SCARY breed of a PIT BULL would be so loving like this. I never had a problem with this breed before but now it has reassured me that they are misunderstood. Sure hes big and scary when were out walking, his barks are deep, and he struts with an arrogance about him, but its all show.
I dont really know what my point of this post was, just wanted to share a story and thought it was kind of funny that the two types of animals that I thought would be cuddly turned out to not be and the one I thought would never cuddle turned out to be the biggest baby!
Does anyone have a story like this? Does your doodle like to cuddle, or do they ignore you like my girl here?
Who says Im not a cuddler?
OMD!!! I love this pic!!! What a baby Parker is!
lol yah...he's like a cat sometimes! What a chicken about the vacuum tho!
This is funny, in a way, because I really wanted a cuddler the first time, just didn't realize it until I would try to get Murphy to come sit with me on the couch as a puppy and he'd get right up and go to the far end of the couch or get off entirely. He has gotten much better and will come sit near me on the couch or at our feet.
With the second, I asked the breeder if she could send me a cuddler on top of all my other requirements and she understood the need to cuddle and did send one, Bella. Thank goodness, as there are times Bella has done something I am not too happy about and then she will come and plop herself right on my chest or tummy or lap, whether or not there's a laptop in it, and it's just so darn endearing, that I am no longer upset with her. She loves to be rubbed and will stay anywhere near you if you continue to rub.
Such different personalities.
Knox is NOT A CUDDLER, but I am never out of his sight! Occasionally, he will join me on the couch, but it's at the other end! Maybe my next doodle....
LOL Daisy is very similar (she too wanted nothing to do with being in a lap on our ride home), as she is not a cuddle bunny but she is affectionate in her own way she will put her head on my lap and look up at me, briefly but she still does it. She never sleeps with us and never gets on the bed (unless we are playing chase and she needs to stop and rest), but she does rest at my feet (where she is right now) and follow me from room to room at work.
I use to be a bit jealous of others on DK with their cuddle rs but now I realize there are all types of doodles and we all love them the way they are, quirks and all.
LOL... YUP that WAS Tori! I was even going so far as to say that's because she's "female"... we had a male 125 GR and he was the BIGGEST cuddler (literally - lol). But NOW... in her "more mature age" she has really become quite the cuddler and mush...BUT - it is mostly still on HER terms, but we'll take it. Hang in there and keep smothering her with love, maybe she too will turn around. If not, maybe the next one will ;o)
Males are cuddlier...I have ALWAYS believed this.
Peri is not a cuddler at all. Except in the mornings - possibly for a few minutes, she will come on our bed (she sleeps at the foot of ours in her bed) and lay right next to us (or on my head) and that is the only cuddle time i get. But even though she doesn't cuddle much, she is my "glue gun". She stays right next to me at all times - if I leave the room, zoom, she is up following me wherever I go.
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