Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Warning: This is largely just me complaining about poop. Continue at your own risk.

There is so much poop. So much goopy, runny poop. Giardia is the gift that just keeps giving, y'all. We started with Giardia and Coccidia, and now are down to just Giardia. Good news, right? Right. Except all the mother crapping stinking piles (puddles?) of puppy poo. 

Not having yet born children, I have never had reason to discuss poop as frequently as I now do. The most common text messages to my partner are now, "Has the puppy pooped? What did it look like?" and "Still pudding, but maybe now more like frosting? Hard to tell."  We discuss the consistency of our dog's bowel movements with the ferocity of scientists splitting the atom. We talk about it over dinner, on the train, in the car, while watching TV. Poop is the main topic of conversation. 

And can we talk about Giardia poop clean up? I work downtown in Seattle. The alley behind my office is not exactly a cleanly place. My dog is not the only one pooping and peeing back there. So on one hand, it feels like not the *end* of the world if it isn't a *perfect* clean up job. But still, I don't want to be a jerk and leave Giardia infected poop smears around town. Long story short: I'm now the lawyer best known for carrying a bleach spray bottle, rubber gloves, towels, and bags and seeming to scrub down the filthy alley while an (adorable) muppet enjoys a rowdy game of "jump on momma while she does this weird thing and also maybe get extra points for stepping in my own poo smear". 

We pick up more meds today and are going back in for round three. Giardia, you are my white whale.

Also, maybe it was rainy on Saturday and I entertained myself by dressing the puppy up a lot. So there's that...


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Giardia or not, this is one cute pup!

Oh poop! I hope the Giardia gets cleared up soon so you don't have to talk about poop again till you get old yourself.  And it's good to hear you are being responsible and trying your best to keep it from infecting another dog.

Dressing up your pup shows you still enjoy her despite the problems your having!  SO ADORABLE!! 

Oh Binny! I was dying with laughter reading this post! I know how hard it is when your pup doesn't feel right, but it's funny how much your life changes. I too talk about poop ALL THE TIME. It's become so normal- 'oh yes, Teddy pooped on his walk tonight- kind of smaller than usual but definitely firm.' Ha! You'll get through this- the puppy phase can be challenging in this respect. I used to live in Seattle so definitely feel your pain with the rain- loved the photos--your pup is absolutely adorable!

Right??? We have become unbearable to people who don't have dogs!



She is sooo Beautiful!

I want to hug her :)


I totally LOVE reading your posts!

Thanks!! He's actually a boy, but I decided he wouldn't mind the tutu!! It is hard to keep myself from just squeezing him all the time. Thankfully he is okay with lots of cuddles when he is sleepy. When he is not sleepy...well not so much!

Dear Puppy (sorry, I don;t know your name):

Jackdoodle here. I would like to invite you to join the Naked Doodles Club, of which I am proud to serve as President. Our motto is, Shout it loud, we're naked and proud, and our purpose is to prevent exactly the kind of humiliation shown in the photos above. A male doodle in a tutu!!! Grrrrrrrrrr! Don't forget, God gave you those teeth for a reason! 


Jackdoodle's mom here, I'm so sorry. I slipped off to the bathroom for a minute, and when I came back, I saw his post above. I don't know what gets into him sometimes, although dogs wearing clothes really does set him off, and I think the tutu pushed him over the edge. :)

Ha!!! This literally made me laugh out loud!

Oh good, I'm so glad he didn't offend you. 


Adorable puppy. Sorry to hear of her troubles, poor baby. I hope she gets better soon. We only experienced one night of poopie puddles so far and SweetPea will be one year old June 22nd. I was told feeding them a few spoons of canned pumpkin would help. Checked to be sure it would be ok and tried it. She loved it and worked like a charm.



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