Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hi all!
It's been a while since I posted anything on here, but good news-- I will finally be in a pet friendly apartment come June & will the dog will be ready to come home sometime in October. The best part is there are no pet fees at all, it is much bigger than what I'm currently in & is cheaper! It is such a relief to know that I really truly have a concrete place to live & can now just wait until I have my dog!
Now for my question, I will have a deck on my apartment & was wondering about using that as a "potty" spot & having a section of it covered with sections of sod/artificial grass, instead of going "outside". I will be living on the 3rd floor of a house & outside in front has mulch along the sidewalk instead of grass. I figured this would be ok, since if I ever move to a house with a yard, the dog will already know to go on grass.
There are open grassy areas only a few blocks away & a big park about a 5 minute walk away, so I will definitely end up taking the puppy there once we start on longer walks.
I do want to train the dog to go outside from the start & don't want to use pads at all; but I'm wondering if going out on the deck to go will not really be considered "outside" & I should just actually go outside of the house & onto the mulch along the sidewalks.
I also want to try & train to go pee/poop on command, rather than having to walk the puppy miles before it will go. (My mom's dog does NOT go on command & has almost come to expect a long walk before she will even attempt to go. Needless to say it is very frustrating because we can never take her out & have her go quickly before we go out somewhere. We almost have to set aside time for long potty walks aside from exercise/training walks)
Thanks for any advice!
I think you might be surprised at how "used" that little deck space with be in a very short period of time. Puppies pee and poop ALOT. How will you keep that "artificial" turf clean? I'm not sure I'd want to be the downstairs neighbor. I think you should consider going outside right from day one.
I agree with Carol. I was just picturing pee dripping through the turf down to the neighbor below...ewww. I know it will be a pain having to lug the puppy all the way down from the 3rd floor but I think it will be worth it in the long run. You can even take her down to the mulch to go potty. I think it is good for puppies to learn to go to the bathroom on different surfaces because you might not always be somewhere that has grass and it can be a real pain when you have a dog that only likes to pee on grass (trust me, I've been there!)
There are some special devices for this , which are enclosed so nothing could seep through. But the clean up would be messy. Here's one but there are at least several kinds. I have had one for my dogs.
Have you thought about what you are going to do with the puppy when you do go back to work? are you going to have someone come let him/her out a few times a day? You'll want to make sure that they take the puppy to the same spot that you take him so that he learns what is expected of him.
My concern would be the scent would soak into the wood of the deck which would make it unpleasant in the summer and/or would be a permanent marker for the dog. It will indeed be a big hassle taking him out during the night would only have to get up during the night for the first week or so if you keep your pup crated. A big time investment at the front end of the pups life will pay off handsomely for the remainder of his life. And if you have two weeks off, you can get a lot accomplished if you are consistent over that time period. Always scoop your dog up and carry him out during these times so that he does not pee as soon as he starts moving and practice the wrong behaviour. To train him to go on command wait till he is going and then give your command during the act. In an apartment I would also start bell training right away. Ring the bell on the door handle each time you take him out until the association is made and he begins ringing on his own. He will be okay going on the woodchips if that is where you put him to go right from the beginning.
You can get a big rabbit cage tray or other big plastic tray and place it on the deck with a kitty litter of cedar (i use Cedarific brand for cats and it is lightweight and smells good) but you will need to put something over it to protect it from rain if it is not a covered deck--maybe get two trays and use one as a cover and place a rock on top or something??? You can also get artificial turf, but in your situation, it would be hard to clean--the litter can just be thrown out and will absorb the moisture.
I agree that at first, you may have to use the deck--others I know that live in NYC do that--if you say "go potty" over and over, keep it business like and do not keep walking and walking, the dog should learn to get down to business--then once the dog goes, say GOOD go potty! And make a big deal about it!! They will eventually get it, but it takes a while--the puppy should be crate trained and confined in one part of your house at first--there WILL be accidents!
I can understand the safety aspect. I just moved to the city (previously living in the suburbs) and I'm a little worried about late night walks too.
Regardless, I had a lot of success using the Fresh Patch from Amazon. It's a real grass patch that's hydroponically grown (no dirt) that is delivered every other week via FedEx. It doesn't leak, just place the box top below the bottom and voila! A perfect patch of grass that you can set anywhere. Since it's real grass there's no need to worry about your new puppy getting confused about turf and because you get a new one every two weeks it looks nice and "fresh." LOL
We had a Potty Patch when Sedona was a tiny puppy. Because our back "yard" at the time was a concrete patio, we used a Potty Patch in the sun room for nighttime pottying. It actually worked fairly well. Between the "sod" and the tray, we'd sandwich a potty pad. That got changed on a regular basis, but the "sod" and the tray could go awhile between cleanings. Once she was sleeping through the night, we didn't need it any longer - but I guess it could be used long term.
Good luck!!!
This might help a lot. I for one wouldn't want Jess to be in harm's way at 3 AM if something like this could help. If it's just a convenience thing I understand the others' concerns but a safety thing is different. In some of our worst storms I have wished my dogs were able to use indoor toilet facilities. I hate sending them out when I'm afraid they'll blow away or be hit by a falling limb.
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