Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Was wondering what size you guys would guess my goldendoodle pup would be as he gets older?

Hi guys I was just wanting your opinions on my puppies future size. I know its hard to tell for sure I was just wondering what you guys thought. My pup weighed 10 lbs @ 6 weeks. His mom (goldendoodle) weighs 65lbs and dad (standard poodle) weighs 55lbs. My pup was one of the smallest in the litter. The breeder said he wouldn't get as tall as the mom since the dad was a smaller standard poodle. I hope he at least has his head go up to my thigh. So I'm a little worried he will only have his head go to my knee.
I know there is a sizing chart with weight but I'm not sure how they use it. Or if it even works.

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Lol. I hear that! If it's any consolation Gracie is now 11 weeks old. We've had her for 3 weeks - she has settled in pretty well and we have a really good routine going. But, instead of a baby, I feel like I have a toddler now. :D
I have no clue on how big he will be, but I just had to say "wowza! That's a cuuute puppy!" Lol. Congrats!

Your pup is cute and sounds truly wonderful. And I'm glad it is working out for you.

I am a bit concerned that your breeder let you bring it home prior to 8 weeks. 

I am even more concerned that you didn't take it to the vet within a few days of getting your pup. That is usually normal procedure to make sure the pup is healthy and there are no outstanding heath issues and to isolate issues that the pup came with vs issues that it could have developed after it was home. Not sure why you are waiting until February to take it to the vet.

Aside from that regarding weight, it's hard to know but the parent's weight is a good gage if they are close in weight. Georgia was 12 lbs when I brought her home at 8 weeks. The vet and everyone else thought I was crazy when I told her the breeder estimated her to be around 50 lbs. She is 16 months and 47 lbs. But she could stand to gain 5 lbs easily and is underweight even according to the vet. 

Ashley, when you put things out in a public forum, you make it everyone's business and people are free to make whatever comments they see fit. If you aren't willing to take the chance that someone may disagree with something you post, and say so, then it's probably best not to post at all. This is not an "anything goes" forum, and it's not always possible to "say something nice". It's also not always possible to "not say anything at all", because many of us here have seen all kinds of sad situations with uninformed doodle owners, and many of us here are involved with doodle rescue and want to help prevent more doodles ending up homeless, and so education is part of what we do here when we comment. An example would be if someone said they rub their puppy's nose in his mess to housebreak him; we are not going to have anything nice to say about that, and we are not going to just say nothing at all.  

I see nothing at all out of line in Nancy's comments, and certainly her tone was a lot more civil than yours. In fact, it is against the law in many states to sell a puppy before the age of 8 weeks. In the period between 6 and 8 weeks, a puppy who remains with his mother and litter learns bite inhibition. This is something that many people don't know, and there have been situations here where a doodle was rehomed for behavior issues because he was taken from his litter too young. 

If you do a search for the vitamins you mentioned, you will find that they are sold through a multilevel marketing program, otherwise known as a pyramid scheme, and breeders make commissions on them. They are not really necessary, they are overpriced, and if any breeder's health warranty depends on giving those vitamins (or a certain food ,initials L.A., which is also sold through the same MLM), that's considered a red flag. Ditto any breeder who doesn;t recommend taking your pup to the vet within a few days of getting him.

 I've lived with dogs for 57 years, had my own dogs for 38 years, and still take every new dog who enters my home to the vet for a once over within a day of getting the dog, to check heart, lungs, orthopedic structure, teeth and bite, ears, etc. If you know how to do all those things yourself, I'm very impressed.



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