Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
My three Labradoodles all have different loves--and are practically never overjoyed at the same time--(exception is when I come home after being absent from the house for more than 5 minutes) It got me thinking about a good question for DK-ers--when is your doodle the happiest?
To start off--Mattie, my oldest and smallest LD is happiest whenever there is food to be eaten. She will eat anything and looks forward to every meal for hours. She often barks to go out just so she can come back in in a few minutes and get her reward cookie. Her only other happy time is when she comes upstairs with me to sleep at my feet (the others sleep downstairs!)
Rio, the puppy, who will be 11 months old in just 2 days, loves to chew on cow hooves--he could do it all day and into the night and often does. He also loves to run in circles around the backyard. The other two doods will sometimes chase him but mostly watch him and wonder where he gets all the energy.
His mom Lyric, however, likes cow hooves too but would much rather be guarding the yard. She loves to sit outside the back door and watch for intruders, especially feline ones. They get quite a welcome--lots of barking. She also "greets" anyone walking by the house or down the driveway which leads to two other houses. Luckily we live in a very rural area without much traffic and the neighbors are mostly weekenders from NYC, so she is usually quiet. The guy delivering fuel oil the other day was pretty alarmed though--she is a big softy, but her bark is that of a Great Dane!
When he has his WHOLE family together -- he absolutely loves the attention!!
Gracie Doodle is happiest when she has her tennis ball and you are throwing it. Or when she is at the beach or bay going in and out of the water chasing her tennis ball. She is also very happy when we are in the car and she is standing on the console between us with her head out the sunroof! Gracie is basically a very happy girl as long as she has her family around her!
Darwin's happiest time is "cuddle time". Basically every evening we say "it's cuddle time!" and he'll jump onto our laps for cuddles. He gets his super relaxed/happy face during this time only... SO cute!
love that--cuddle time--cute!
Wilson is the happiest running in the backyard playing with his squeeky ball, and being with us !! He loved all the attention he got from everyone home this weekend!!!!
My guys are happiest when they're in the car going someplace (anyplace) with us. They love a good road trip.
Banjo finds his joy when allowed to run through the woods in the backyard untethered.....he runs with what can only be described as "joyous abandon"!
This one is a tough one because a lot of things make them happy, but I guess if I had to chose one, for Sophie it would be when she gets outside to play, but only if Lucy is outside to attack play with! Lucy on the other hand get hugely excited when Mamaw comes to visit. She is so big and Mamaw is so small, that it scares the crap out of me but Mamaw doesn't want me to interfere. Mark my words, one day I will be posting a photo of Mamaw's black eye. Lucy has to completely wash her face and ears with kisses over and over.
Sophie is happiest when she is running in the park. Winston is happy then too, but even happier when he gets his jaws on a squeaky toy or is playing tug with Sophie.
they are also pretty happy when I come home from work.
Oh, yeah--ANYONE coming home is BIG--My grown kids are only here at holidays and the dogs go wild when they see them--even Rio who has only lived here since all the kids have been out. Somehow he knows they are a part of the family.
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