Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Come on guys, we need some more participation in the slideshow. If you don't like the themes, throw some new ones at me! Sunday will be the start of the "Jump for Joy" slideshow and I don't have very many tagged. I know for a fact that we have LOTS of jumping Doodles so get out there and get a photo if you don't have one already. I know today is black Friday but its so much more fun to be with Doodles than to go shopping in an overcrowded department store!

November 29 - Jumping Doodles... tag = jump15   Happy Doodles jumping for joy, or jumping through hoops or jumping over each other, jumping in a pool or the lake. Any kind of jumping is acceptable!

December 13 - Lookin' Good... tag = Dapperdoodle     Did your Doodle get groomed for the holidays? Or do they just always look spectacular? No dirty Doodles here, this one is for your best looking Dood!

December 20- Holiday Best... tag =  sugarplums     Your Doodle dressed for Christmas or Hanukkah or anything else you may celebrate. Do you have a photo of your Doodle with Santa? I want to see them all! This one will last a little longer because those holiday photos are just darned adorable!

January 10 - Best Calendar "Reject"... tag = calendar15   Those of you who submitted photos to be considered for the calendar, show us your best "rejected" shot. Your favorite of the ones you submitted that didn't get chosen. This should be one gorgeous slideshow!

January 24 - Frolicking Doodles... tag =  frisky15      If you have a photo of your Doodle "frolicking" around the yard with or without other Doodles. Most Doodles love the cooler weather and it makes them a little frisky. I just love the happy Doodle zoomies!

February 7 - Snow Doodles... tag =snowdoodle15    I know a lot of us don't get snow but I just love a good snow photo so please indulge me. You can add fake snow if you! 


Good question! Spud's mom, Joanne, put together a great visual tutorial here:

If you like visuals, use her tutorial.  Otherwise, try the instructions below...

1-- Upload your photo to the main photo page or your own page.

2-- In the 'tag' section of the photo put in the tag that corresponds with the slide show theme (see list above).

It's quite easy, actually. 

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Here is the link for "Jumping for Joy!"

Lori - am I reading it right that the tag for Christmas slide show is: sugarplums

I tagged photos, but they did not show on slideshow.  I will recheck.  BTW- you are doing a terrific job with the slide presentation! Happy Holiday.

Thanks Linda! Yes, the tag is "sugarplums"  I just added some photos. If you post them after I make it,  I can always add them in.

Oh thanks Lori.  I see they are now showing.

I have a blog post that has a lot of my boys Christmas pictures, is it possible to use them from my post? I don't want to re post them especially with the recent post about storage issues on DK.

Jessica, there isn't any way for me to get those photos unless you post them to your page. If Im not mistaken, since they are already on DK, they won't actually be taking up any more space. I spoke with Adina about photos for the slideshow and she doesn't think it is a big issue.

Photos in a blog and photos uploaded to the photos page are different and each use up space.  Lori did ask me about uploading photos and the slide show.  My answer is that if the photos are uploaded to the photo page they are the ones used for the slide show and thus are not adding anything if pulled into the slideshow.



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