Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Looking for some good ideas - I typically work full time from home, 8-5.  I try to keep our 4 month old doodle, Tralfaz, in the office with me so that I can keep an eye on him.  Our two small dogs are usually in there as well.  Typically he's sleeping, or chewing on something I give him...but, he does get antsy and I'm sure he's bored just hanging out in there.  Usually in the afternoon I'll put him in the kitchen with a frozen Kong or something on that order.  Looking for any ideas on how to entertain him during those hours, other than what I already do.


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Can you take a mid-day break to take him outside and play....a good game of fetch would help him to burn off some energy and be ready for a nice afternoon nap?

Yep....I do take a lunch break, so I do try to get him playing.  He is now starting daycare once or twice a week.  I'm thinking that will help some, but not on the days when we are stuck in the office.

Oh, it looks like you have the perfect excuse for some exercise.  A four-month old doodle needs lots of exercise and you can keep him company.   You are so lucky to be at home and he is so lucky to have you so handy.  So, take a look at your own exercise routine and start building things into your routine that will get you both out of the house.  We got our first doodle when my husband retired.  That pup was out every day getting some type of exercise - biking, hiking, jogging!  It is ten years later and our dogs are very disappointed if we are not out every day doing something. 

How about this one!  Our friend was a physics and technology lead teacher at high school and had a hard time getting away from school.  At one time, he had injured his foot, and from that time on, he said he had physical therapy on Thursdays and had to leave school at 3:30.  Actually, he was out on the single tracks with my husband.  My principal had another trick.  He said he had to pick up his daughter before 5:00 on Thursdays from Day Care because her mother was not available that day.  So, find any excuse to get out there and getting your exercise (whatever it may be).  It really is addicting and your pup will love it (the attention and the exercise).

I think you are saying that you really can't take too much time from your work to play with him--and the other small dogs do not play? So, you might want to get another doodle! LOL!! 

When you can't get out to play here are some indoor ideas--My dogs love cow hooves (plain) and it tires them out to chew on those for a while. Also, there are "brain" toys--things the dogs have to figure out--I like the one that looks like a tree trunk and you put little stuffed chipmunks in it and the dog has to pull them out--or ones that you put treats in and the dog has to roll the toy around to get the treats out--some people give the dog their meal kibble in a toy like that and it takes them 20 minutes to eat their meal! Rotate his toys to keep it interesting--take most of them away and put out some different ones each day. Washing the toys changes the smell and renews interest as well. A big cardboard box with holes cut in it to allow them to climb in and out is fun for a pup too. Good luck!

Here is a link to the squirrel toy on amazon--it is pretty sturdy--mine lasted a long time and the trunk is still going, although all the chipmunks have lost their stuffing.

And here is an example of a kibble toy. There are lots to choose from.

Our dog is now two and I have worked from home from before we got her. We went through the same thing. I don't know if you have an xpen, but we used to set it up in different areas of the house for a couple hours of the day and put she and her toys and bully sticks in there so she would get used to being out of my sight during the day and not bark to be in the same room (my office) with me all day. I have to take phone calls as part of my work and sometimes she was too riled up for me to take those calls effectively. She was also a chewer, so while I was on the computer, she would be bored and chewing on baseboards etc. I made sure to take her outside for fetch every few hours if only for a few minutes. She never stayed in the xpen all day, just a couple hours and then she would come back into the office with me when I could watch her more effectively. They are still so young at this age, but a little exercise can go a long way towards helping your puppy....also kongs and bully sticks.

I think it's okay for him to just hang out with you all day.  If you can take a break to play, great!  If you can't, as long as he's not getting into trouble he's not too bored.  I guess I think it's okay for dogs to chill while inside and relax next to their people and don't need to be entertained.  After all they aren't kids that need to develop vocabulary and various developmental skills that would be stunted were they to be holed up in a room sitting there all day.  I think your pup is fine if he's 'stuck' with you all day in an office and as long as you can get some of his wiggles out with play breaks, he will be no worse for wear. 

You've gotten a few good answers here. I just wanted to say that your pup is sure cute!

One thing we do when the weather is bad or we just cannot exercise them is take them for a ride in the car. The change in scenery stimulates them a bit and helps to tire them out. This could be handy when the weather gets bad for lunch break activity. It doesn't replace stretching those legs but it can help stimulate the mind. I also use a treat dispenser to feed them dinner... again stimulating options.



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