Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Last week, I bought a paddle board.  For some reason, I have always wanted one and fate stepped in and put a screw in my tire, so I would have to shop while they fixed it, and sure enough, there was a paddle board just waiting for me on one of the end aisles. The price was also stated incorrectly, so I got it for less than what is was supposed to be. All in all, a good day. My husband was not nearly as ecstatic as I was with my new purchase, but has come to realize that his wife really does know everything, because he loves the thing.

My niece told me you needed to have good strong core muscles to paddle board, so I was pretty sure I was going to spend some time in the water, which I did, but finally got up on it and I now have a better plan of action for the next time.  Next time, I am not going to yell stuff like, "this board is defective," or "stop telling me how to do it," at my husband who was giving me "helpful" hints. I also need to spread my feet out further apart and open my eyes...LOL!

My niece was here for a visit all the way from Nashville and she mastered the paddle board like a pro and thinks she is going to take a class offered in her area....Yoga on a Paddle board or something. WTD!  If anyone can do it, it is my niece. I teased her all weekend that I am sure the rest of us would be better at it, if we could get a turn on the darn thing. I also told her I was going to write a blog called, Chelsea, The Paddle Board Hog, but so far, I have not. The hardest part for her was trying to avoid Vern, aka the Paddle Board tipper, while she was on the board.

Sometimes, she shared and let him have a turn, too:

Actually, now that I am looking at the pictures, I may need to revise the name of the blog to Vern, The Paddle Board Hog.  Here he is getting another free ride with my daughter, Hayley.

The funny thing was both dogs wanted to be on that paddle board. Vern would actually cry if someone paddled out of his reach and anytime someone fell in the water, (my DD and me), both dogs would swim to the rescue.  FYI: A two Doodle rescue can hurt a little if you are unprepared for the way they try and grab on to you.  If Fudge got on the board, Vern would try his best to get on, too, and sometimes I had two dogs wrestling on that board and playing their own version of "King of the Mountain." We may have to get a dog board. Chelsea did not want to get wet and you could hear her saying, "oh no, oh no," when Vern or Fudge would start their approach in her direction.

All in all, I learned a couple of things. You are never too old to try something new and Doodles can paddle board, or at least hitch rides with someone who is trying to paddle board. We had a great visit with my niece, Chelsea. Here are two cousins who rarely get to see each other.

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Yes, I couldn't believe it either. I hope you get one.

What fun pictures - they made me smile ear to ear!  Love the doggie life preservers.  The board looks too hard for me... but I do want a 2 person kayak (so my hubby can do most of the work while I take pictures).  Heh.

PJ, If I can do it, you can do it :) We have kayaks, too, and love them.

I love it! The pictures are great. Vern and Fudge are so spoiled lucky to have an opportunity to get on a paddle board. They really seem to enjoy water and everything connected with it. May I send Monty for a visit? Better yet: may I express ship Auggie for an extended vacation?

Jarka, Send them both and then I can tell Doris and gloat...LOL!!!

And I can catch up on my sleep!

I still miss having a puppy :) I know it is a lot of work, but they are so darn cute.

Way cool Laurie.... I am looking into paddle boarding myself.  I was wondering if I could paddle with both my doodles on the board ?

Barbara, Thanks! I think it would depend on how athletic you are and how still your dogs would be willing to sit. Fudge is very "goose" motivated and if we saw one in the middle of the lake, all bets would be off. We could get two dogs and a person on board, but none of us were brave enough to try and stand up. The boards come in different sizes and weight limits. We also have kayaks and a canoe, and I bet you could also do that with both dogs. Good luck!! I did see someone with one dog on board and that could be easily done, I think.

OMD! First a Patoon boat and now paddle boarding?!!!   Fudge and Vern have so much FUN!!!!

i love that they try to play king of the mountain on the boards!

Joanna, Some people are calling them spoiled. I don't get it....LOL!!

That looks like fun! I agree with Joni, Fudge and Vern are lucky to have so many fun adventures. :-)



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