Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Black and white seems to stark for April so I'm opting for color. It could be soft like the first blush of color in the trees or all those flowers you west coasters already have. Soft, garish whatever. By the end of the month even Donna will surely see a peep of green. And speaking of peeps, baby animals would go well with this theme. Chicks and puppies and who knows what. Wishing you all a lovely April.

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found this nest of baby bunnies in our garden this Easter morning.  We got 12" of snow on Wednesday!   The poor bunnies...They were just covered with some fur & grass.

Oh, bunnies! I love the shot and I hope they stay warm!

Oh how sweet, I hope it gets warm for them too!

What a fun thing to find!  But--12" of snow!  Yikes!   Hope the bunnies stay warm and safe.

Nice capture. Stay warm and safe, bunnies.

What a sweet find.

Bunnies! What an incredible thing to find on Easter morning:)  Hoping for warmth for them.

Luckily all the snow melted yesterday.  Dh was moving some leaves out of the garden when he found them.  It gets the east sun & is near the house - A nice warm spot for them.  We hit 75 today!   It was wonderful.  Just went & checked on them & they are all still cuddled in.   They are in our backyard...Trixie doesnt even know they are there...good thing they are not squirrels.  I will watch her outside though


Such a beautiful sweet "capture" They look so toasty curled up together.

Oh, I hope they stay warm and safe.



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