Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

That time of year has come. Adina has announced info about calendar submissions which will start on Sept 1. You can post potential submissions here, ask for critiques or ask not to get any, ask for editing suggestions etc. I hope by now everyone is capable of doing simple editing by themselves. I am. Not certain anyone wants to do complex editing for others but there may be takers. The guidelines for submissions are here. Remember the actual submissions go to Adina by email.

If you do submit photos that don't follow the guideline parameters your photo will be tossed by Adina. But even great photos which follow all the rules may not make the calendar since the competition is stiff. Good luck to all.

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I missed what this is about ... where are the photographs everyone is talking about?

Adina posted a sneak peek on Facebook. Here it is.....


I can't look is giving me a headache :)

LOL me too.  It's about to kick off an ocular migraine. Wow, this will really look wild when it starts to zig zag :)

There could be more also.  She said that these were her favorites "thus far"--she is such a tease.

at 400% enlargement 

F is wrong, as usual....LOL...these are all Fudge and Vern shots :) LOL

I'd agree with you but then we'd both be wrong.

I saw the two of mine still in consideration right away. They are also next to each other. One of which was an older photo that I never posted on this site.

I see quite a few photos that are very obvious to me. I would point them out, but that would spoil the fun of it all. (but if the price was right...only kidding.)

If only there was a way to market this skill...

That's quite a skill!

I think I finally see two of mine. The rest are Fudge and Vern 



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